Yes, I have it. Unfortunately it is more of an overview than anything in-depth.
I've been diverted a dozen different ways so haven't spent much time on anything Audi recently.
I can understand that, life gets in the way sometimes.
I've been re-reading your first post and trying to apply it to the 5hp24fla which is similar but yet different at the same time.
It has 5 EDS relays. EDS 1 is also for line pressure, EDS2,3, and 5 are for shifting, and EDS4 is for tcc.
What caught my attention was the fact that the atsg 5hp24 manual states that EDS2,3,4, and 5 are all reverse acting of EDS1.
So I was browsing the good old interwebs tonight for an atsg 5hp19 manual, and oddly enough it also states that EDS2,3, and 4 are reverse acting of EDS1 which seems to contradict what you had in the first post if my thinking is correct.
Or maybe the manual I have is incorrect as it does say preliminary info and seems pretty old.
Both manuals basically say that when EDS1 is off pressure is high, and that for the rest of them when the solenoid is on pressure is high, the exact opposite of EDS1.
But if it is in fact correct would that mean that you are applying less pressure to EDS2, and 3 by increasing the current?
I'm trying to wrap my head around this seeing that they are also pwm controlled by the TCU.
I'm probably missing something very obvious LOL