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Author Topic: b5 s4, bw k04, 630cc ev14, stock air intake, rs4 intercoolers, full exhaust, 6mt  (Read 13362 times)
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OK guys.  Here we go.  I've been meaning to do this for a while.
I have most of my tune aspects roughly cleaned up, so I figured it's time to share.
Hopefully I'll get some good feedback and be able to push my tune a bit further.
The goal here is an easy-going daily driver with full reliability and a max boost of 21 psi.

apb, stock engine
autobahn88 piping kit
stock bosch maf
stock airbox
stock y-pipe
stock bi-pipes
034 k04 up-pipes (they fit perfectly)
bw k04's (imported from germany brand new)
stock n75
42 draft design catch can
thermostatic oil cooler with 180-degree thermostat
rs4 grille mesh airflow mods
awe rs4 intercoolers + shrouds
bosch ev14 630cc injectors
stock 4-bar fpr
rs4 fuel pump - bmw inline aluminum check-valve
ASP 3" downpipes
custom 2-1 v-band merge into
milltek stainless 3" single

egt's coded out
rear o2's coded out

jason @ amd    did the physical stage 3 upgrade.
he does awesome work.  two years later everything is sold as a rock.

Initial logs and bin to follow on next post.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 06:37:44 PM by nehalem » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2013, 06:09:39 PM »

Here's my current set of logs.  All comments welcome.  Yes.  This needs works.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 06:34:02 PM by nehalem » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2013, 06:28:16 PM »

Here's the tune as it is currently.
What looks like the first step?  My initial thoughts are:

fueling is a bit too rich
wastegate duty cycle falls too quickly / PID isn't dialed in correctly
timing is still bland
throttle angle opens up too slowly

super critical comments aside, the tune isn't bad.  but it def needs help.
i have just installed and calibrated an Innovate LC-1, so that should assist moving forward.
now i have to get the ME7L + LC-1 dual-logger that Jason wrote to run, hopefully before this weekend.

all inputs appreciated, tyvmia.

p.s.  double-check the check-sum on the file.  i will stamp it safe this evening when i get home from work.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 06:35:50 PM by nehalem » Logged
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Spent some time trying to replicate the RS4 PID settings.  The boost control has vastly improved.  I've successfully setup the LC1 logger.

The next move;  I'm going to take all of the  PID settings and create a summary spreadsheet for others to start with.  Currently I'm doing tests with KFLDIMX, so I'll get that wrapped up and post another update soon.
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You can't replicate RS4 settings on M-Box because RS4 I limit is tuned completely differently.
The KFLDIMX table is flat and base boost is done through a "base boost level", as if CWPLGU was set to 0.

This is at least true for the K-Box.

PM's will not be answered, so don't even try.
Log your car properly - WinOLS database - Tools/patches
Hero Member

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Currently, this is what I've done, and I have yet to log, but it feels fine so far - though its definitely not refined.

Changed KFMIRL, KFMIOP, KFLDRL, KFLDRQ2, LDRQ1ST, LDRQ0DY, and KFLDHBN to straight RS4 values and axis labels.

KFDLULS disabled with constant value of 1275, although I swapped over KFTARX as well - yet i believe its never used anyways.

Additionally, I scaled KFLDIMX by the K-box maximal value and then multiplied by 60.  That was what I thought would be a good technique, slowly ramping the "maximal value" up and down to get the best effect.

Is something wrong with this?  Are there any side-effects, so far it honestly seems decent.

Also, for the help of others, here is the thread you were involved with before which discussed CWPLGU:
I'll go and read that now... lol.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2013, 10:36:12 AM by nehalem » Logged

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Nice. Shocked  I too am currently working on both of my 2002 S4's which are equipped with K04's and ev14 630cc, but had create an xdf for my 551T and 551AA ecu's but I'm looking perfect these tunes myself. Just curious did you ever get to perfect this setup? Huh
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