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Author Topic: Boot mode  (Read 30514 times)
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« on: March 05, 2013, 09:09:26 PM »

HI everyone,

    I did my research before I post this . I have IMMO3 on my ME 7.5 02 B6 A4 ECU so I can't really access with Nefmoto software so I have to use a boot mode method, well I am having issue to put the ECU TO " boot mode " ( using Galletto 1260 cable ) I made a bench cable with a switch to simulate "ignition on" , then I ground the Pin 24 on 29F800BB chip with battery ground(negative). click ECU Data and it said " inactive " . then I tried to use a blue cable ( without shutting down ) to connect with Nefmoto software it read fine that means I didn't put the ECU to " boot mode " . i went online and found the chip set pin out... Pin 24 is actually DQ4 ? why DQ4?  my next approach is to use a MPPS cable (it is in the mail) but I don't have much hope because I can't get the ECU to " boot mode " MPPS to me is useless...   What other method can i try?
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« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2013, 09:16:30 PM »

In my experience, my exact steps are.....

Power off.
Ground pin 24.
turn power on while still grounding pin 24.
hold for 5 seconds, then release the ground on the pin.
Keeping power on, it should now be in bootmode.

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« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2013, 09:24:07 PM »

Thank you for the prompt reply, you are correct, I hold the ground to Pin 24 on ( 29F800BB) during i turn on the " ignition " 12v switch . I tried holding it 5 sec, 10 sec leave it on and click ECU data also I've tried 1k and 2.2k ohm resistor still no luck.

Unless it is the pin 24 refer to ECU pin out ... which I don't think so because I saw all the pictures are the pin 24 on Eeprom 29F800BB ? it wouldn't be on the Processor pin 24 right?
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« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2013, 09:26:59 PM »

You have to release the ground after 5 seconds. It does not work if you keep grounding it. At least in my experience.

this is what im referring to when I say pin 24.

ignore the above circle, pay attention to the bottom portion of the picture. Hold that to ground for 5 seconds after you turn the power on, then release.

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« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2013, 10:35:03 PM »

Or, you can not ignore the circle, and find some metal thing that you can use to ground the two things together in the circle...

something convex-ish is good. I've used a flathead, but it can be hard to guarantee that it hits both pads.


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« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2013, 03:13:14 AM »

Probably I'm wrong but IMO the problem is related to the ignition reset the micro and therefore access the bootloader mode I'm pretty sure you have to power off and then power on the main power supply, I think ignition key is just a signal to the micro...
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« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2013, 05:36:32 AM »

Thank you,everyone . I didn't bridge them with a switch( used a wire) but I tried every method mention above. 5 sec release it.. no luck 10 sec release no luck, I cycle it with complete power shut off and repeat the procedure still not in boot mode. the reason I ask about the 29F800BB at pin 24 is because it is a DQ4 port according the AM29F800BB spec sheet ,another interesting thing is with a voltage meter testing for ground ,Pin 24 is actually grounded before I tap anything on it.
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« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2013, 06:47:31 AM »

Thank you,everyone . I didn't bridge them with a switch( used a wire) but I tried every method mention above. 5 sec release it.. no luck 10 sec release no luck, I cycle it with complete power shut off and repeat the procedure still not in boot mode. the reason I ask about the 29F800BB at pin 24 is because it is a DQ4 port according the AM29F800BB spec sheet ,another interesting thing is with a voltage meter testing for ground ,Pin 24 is actually grounded before I tap anything on it.
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« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2013, 07:13:01 AM »

the reason I ask about the 29F800BB at pin 24 is because it is a DQ4 port according the AM29F800BB spec sheet ,another interesting thing is with a voltage meter testing for ground ,Pin 24 is actually grounded before I tap anything on it.

there are several threads that refer to troubles with me7.5 bootmode.  I believe what the data sheet is telling you, but pin24 of the am29f800bb has brought success to so many, that I wouldn't chase that lead.

"...with a voltage meter testing for ground ,Pin 24 is actually grounded before I tap anything on it"

So you're telling us that with a multi-meter set to measure resistance (or set to sound-if-short), you see NO resistance in-between pin24 and the ground plane along the edge of the board?  That's a test for ground.
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« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2013, 10:10:57 AM »

I should look at the meter for the resistance value, I will do that when I get home from work . I found this out by tapping the ground wire to Pin 24 on ( 29F800BB ) with constant 12v to ECU and ignition. Without grounding ecu pin 1 & 2, the OBDII Cable LED light up so that get me curious and look up the spec sheet. After that I tap a  volt meter on there and check for continuity, and it is grounded for some reason.

My Setup: I made a bench cable with the proper ECU/DME connector and OBDII port.

Sorry for my bad English, it is actually my second language.
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« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2013, 10:20:03 AM »

the reason I ask about the 29F800BB at pin 24 is because it is a DQ4 port according the AM29F800BB spec sheet
its a dual use pin. During power up, it is sampled by the cpu.

another interesting thing is with a voltage meter testing for ground ,Pin 24 is actually grounded before I tap anything on it.

As i said, a dual use pin. If it isn't pulled low, during boot, it will float high.

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« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2013, 10:43:27 AM »

Always learn something new , Thank you for the reply.   well I really tried every method mention in this site , ECUconnection and many other site. If this is the only way to get to Boot mode I might have to try different approach by defeating the IMMO3 first and use Nefmoto to read and write the bin. or buy a burner and have nightmare to take out the SMD chip just to tune the map right.
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« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2013, 11:02:11 AM »

You need bootmode (or a chipreader) to defeat the immobilizer.

That, and eventually you will fail a flash. It's best to get bootmode sorted before it's required. Takes some of the pressure off.

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« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2013, 08:10:30 PM »

I found a bigger problem. This is a spare ecu i bought from a local yard, It was suppose to be 02 B6 A4 . Anyways,I look up the chip set and it made by Infineon so i think it is for the newer 1.8T ME 7.5, I bought the ECU sort it by year making model instead of the part number because I figure as long as I get the IMMO3 sort out I am good to go ( mine is DBW and Wideband O2). So my question if the current ECU in my car is made by Siemens can I use this unit?
There is another member can't get to boot mode with the Infineon chip set, are there any trick for this particular ECU to get it to boot mode.Huh

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« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2013, 08:47:10 PM »

Siemens? Pictures?

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