100% sure they are as BMW intended. How the BMW system works is you use WinKFP which is a BMW software utility to flash two files into the DME. A .0PA file. This is the 512kb (ish) firmware file. The program code as it were. And a 64kb (ish) tune file (the maps). BMW call these hardware number and assembly number respectively.
As far as I can understand the hardware number ties in with the Bosch number on the can of the DME. The 7532675 being used with Bosch number 0 261 207 106.
BMW use the ME7.2 used on the while range of vehicles, X5, E39, E38 or even the Alpina 4.8! The hardware file is the same and you choose the tune file depending on your application. I've attached a few here for you to look at.
So for example if you own an E39 540i from the US you would flash in the G7529055.0DA file along with the 7532675A.0PA file. Own a X5 4.6i you use the same .0pa file but use the G7533632.0DA file.
These are text files; so if you open them you can see which program version they are designed for; the tyre size; its transmission etc. etc.
Here is a screen shot of this process on my bench set-up using a spare DME:

“we” pull those .0DA files out as binary files using MPPS for instance and get the 64kb .Bin files.
Now these allow you to quickly find interesting areas of the tune file. For example finding the VMAX is a case of loading two different .0DA files with different max speeds and performing a binary compare. Apart from the check-sum location the only bytes changed are those from the VMAX register!
I don’t have a damos or .ols for this later version of the .0PA file which is why I am struggling a little with matching up some of the maps.
The 0DA files I have attached are ALL for the 7532675A.0PA program file I need to use.
G7529055.0DA : File for a 540iA vmax=210 extracted as a binary (G7529055.Bin)
G7533624.0DA: File for a X5 4.4is vmax=237 extracted as a binary (G7533624.Bin)
G7533632.0DA: File for a X5 4.6is vmax=300 extracted as a binary (G7533632.Bin)
7532675A.0PA: Program area file for all of the above tunes.
So I think what you are saying is the maps in the 7529055 hardware version are, as well as being in a physically different location, actually different dimensions to the maps in the previous version?
The KFMIRL map was the only one which “looked” strange. KFZQx look the same, KFZWOP looks the same.
I don’t have a damos or .ols for this later version of the .0pa file which is why I am struggling a little with matching up the maps.
Here is what all the effort is for BTW. This is an instrument cluster which has a number of LEDs around the rev counter; these are switched off by a CAN message from the DME. This CAN message is only sent from the latest version of program file in the DME. I have found the map which I will start a new topic about! The switch off points are controlled by that map and are loosely based on oil temperature and water temperature and some fairy dust!
The car drives fine by the way; over 300 miles; everything works. I am just want to clear up that KFMIRL issue so I can sleep easy!