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Author Topic: help needed ME7.1.1 022206032GJ 95p08  (Read 5109 times)

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« on: April 14, 2013, 07:16:49 PM »

i have flashed the ecu with original file after its been tuned, and now have a fault "programming not finished" car stars after clearing the codes but soon as the ignition is turned off and back on the fault comes back and  car will not start
 could any body help with moding the 95p08 or maybe someone has got a original 95p08 dump Huh
as i believe thats where the fault is (maybe immo been switched off??) or tuner has changed something (in hardware numbers i get "BasisX3" shouldnt be a part number here?)

just to add i have the pin for the car so i can relearn the immo

Hero Member

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« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2013, 10:04:40 PM »

maybe you just think you flashed original. sounds like it blocked you from flashing and gave you a death code.

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« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2013, 12:34:05 AM »

Well I got hold of 3 different files for this Ecu  from different sources and they are all the same, it flashes ok even with flashing the file bak to it  that was on the Ecu when it came to me the code still stays it is not as much a checksum error as such scanning it with vag com doesn't bring the checksum error it says programming not finished, also it it is not possible to flash the Ecu over k line through Obd only over can and that is using a driver for mk5 r32 not for a3, it flashes ok in boot mode as well
When trying to flash it over k line through Obd a changing speed error comes up.... Flash seems to be working fine as well as What Everly i flash it with i can rear back and compared in winols is the same, therefore I thing someone has messed with 95p08...
Please help if some would have a virgin dump or even one that is working fine with ori flash I can always relearn the immo on the car
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« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2013, 03:52:22 PM »

This may or may not work but is worth a try. This was the only way I could get my me7.1.1 4z7907551S bins to flash successfully via the nefmoto flasher (otherwise i got the same programming not finished error)

Flash the car, disconnect nefmoto, reconnect and click read flash (to read back the file you just flashed to the ecu), disconnect nefmoto, and then cycle the ignition.

Hope it works for ya, good luck!

2004 A6 2.7T 6MT: Built motor with SRM RS6/K24s on E85

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« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2013, 04:05:41 PM »

sorted the problem!!! the flash was ok the problem was the ecu has been tunned by som german company and they have done changes in immo eeprom 95p08, after using ori immo flash from diesel car as the original of this wasnt available then some adaptations on the car and then read of the file again form ecu after the adaptations went through and then doing the immo of on the file read and then writing it back it all worked fine Smiley)))
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