hi, pretty much as the title suggests.. is it possible to turn the immo off via bench flashing or through the diagnostic port? i currently have a m3.8.3 ecu running my car (immo was removed by unsoldering the immo chip and replacing with a new chip with a modified file wrote to it, and due to my poor soldering skills i'd prefer a plug and play method if 1 exists??) i also have a few spare ecu's i would like to unlock for a future project and also for troubleshooting my car's poorly running issues at the moment, ideally i'd like to be able to try another ecu just to rule the current 1 out from causing problems...
so, can it be done without removing the chip? after alot of searching i can only find info for the later me7.5 ecu's. if i need to make up a lead to connect my computer to the odb/ecu can anyone point me in the right direction for pinout diagrams etc? i will happily go to a scrapyard and cut some plugs out of cars to make a nice cheap solution