Bank 1 (green):
Address : 0x381116
To log AFR:
Factor : 0.009766
Offset : -9.6
Edit: if it wasn't obvious, these are both word variables
I'm having some trouble getting this to work properly. When I log for AFR, I get goofy values that range from 9.6 up to ~12.1. After installing the Zt-2, I confirmed that I'm getting ~2.5v on the white wire. I also logged with the white wire disconnected and the value was consistently ~10.5. (Should that be right?)
Based on the above info, here's what I did:
Ran the white wire to the unplugged green O2 sensor connector (passenger side firewall)
Connected wire to the signal line, which is the female connector separate from the other three
Edited ME7L ecu file and added the following line:
;Name, {Alias}, Address, Size, Bitmask, {Unit}, S, I, A, B, Comment
uushk_w, {O2SVoltageSensorWB}, 0x381116, 2, 0x0000, {WB-AFR} , 0, 0, 0.009766, -9.6, {}
Edited ME7L cfg file and added the following line:
;Name [Alias]
uushk_w AFR-WideBand
Any thoughts on where I goofed this up?