Hello all,
I hope this isn't a redundant question, but I haven't had much luck finding this info anywhere... In DAMOS files, there is a section of data conversion formulas, which define how to parse values.. For example:
54,/REG,FKT1_256,{Korrekturfaktor 1 entspricht 0 Inkremente},6,0,{-},1,6, 1., 1.99609
/REP, 256., 0., 0., 1.,-256., 0.;
55,/REG,FKT1_2B,{16bit-faktor mit phys[0;256[},6,0,{},3,6, 0., 255.996
/REP, 65536., 0., 0., 256., 0., 0.;
168,/REG,TEMP,{Kuehlmittel-Temperatur},6,0,{grad C},3,6,-44., 150.
/REP, 1., 0., 0., 1., 80., 0.;
I understand some of this -- The last one, TEMP, is fairly simple and well known, -44 - 150 range, subtract 80 to get the temperature.
Is there some solid information on the format? It'd be very useful to understand how to read the comma-separated values to form the actual conversion formula. I've been able to figure most of them out by reverse-engineering code or trial-and-error, but proper info on the file format would be awesome!