I will put everything in this topic when I'll have processed all the info
Right now I would like some confirmations and some additional info:
** If I understand diagrams correctly in ME7.5 we use szrl_w and in MED9 it is szout. Am I correct?
** If i'm correct in my first statement, then how do we play with KFSZT & FSZTM? What to do with ME7's szout_w and what value it should be set to? Why MED9 has no szrl_w?
I have made complete diagrams for this module (attached to this post) so everyone could take a look and comment... Right now I have done ~90% transfer of all these maps, but need these last two questions answered.. Tommorow I will update this topic with whole list of maps to transfer from TFSI with correct values so you wouldn't even need to search.