You are right, there are two load variables in the ECU, and one is 16 bit and one is 8 bit. The ECU always calculates both, and internally uses 16 bit. Any maps that only use the 8 bit load axis values though are limited.
Tony thank you for answer!
But lets talk about KFZW for example. In Functionrahmen, i see that for KFZW (and some other spark tables) LOAD axis is 8-bit SRL12ZUUB. And in 8D0-551G ols file, KFZW use 8-bit LOAD SRL12ZUUB. Moreover, in this ols file even no adress for 16-bit LOAD. So, how we can tune 400+ hp (340-350 g/sec) on 8D0-551G,M,C etc SW? Or i am wrong, and physically, in asm-code, maps use other load points, and SRL12ZUUB only a picture, even if iam change points in it, this will no effect on motronic functions?
Can you correct my misunderstending about this moment?