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Author Topic: 4Z7907551K - 2001 Audi allroad 2.7T tiptronic  (Read 17803 times)

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« on: December 03, 2013, 01:13:44 PM »

(First post, I still have a lot of homework to do but am doing my best to sort through it all before asking stupid questions)

Does there exist any sort of definition file for this ECU? If not, anyone have any ideas on where to start looking for rear O2 sensor related things? I'd like to slowly start on writing a tune for this car but really don't want to disable the immobilizer by starting with M or L box files. I have downloaded the stock .bin from the car and will be posting that up later from home.

Here are the only threads I've really been able to find that discuss this ECU at all:

A file exists apparently but it is password protected and there is no mention of whether or not the file actually works if you manage to get the password. I'd rather not try it myself yet.

Someone has an idea of where to look for certain things - where does this knowledge come from?
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« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2013, 01:18:25 PM »

I'd like to slowly start on writing a tune for this car but really don't want to disable the immobilizer by starting with M or L box files.

Yes, you do want to disable the immobilizer if you will be actively tuning your car... it can be a huge pita to tune a car with immo on.

When you are done tuning (if that ever happens), then you can discuss re-enabling the immo Smiley

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« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2013, 01:33:21 PM »

I was under the impression that I cannot enable the immobilizer if I am running one of the more common file types i.e. M or L box and would need to write a tune in the stock 4Z7907551K format in order to use the immobilizer. Is that incorrect? If so then I guess I don't care much about the 4Z7907551K definitions and could just flash a stock L-box tune to start.
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« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2013, 05:19:31 PM »

I was under the impression that I cannot enable the immobilizer if I am running one of the more common file types i.e. M or L box and would need to write a tune in the stock 4Z7907551K format in order to use the immobilizer. Is that incorrect? If so then I guess I don't care much about the 4Z7907551K definitions and could just flash a stock L-box tune to start.

You are correct!

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« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2013, 10:04:37 AM »

So does everyone who tunes an allroad just accept that their car will be easy to steal or am I missing something?
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« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2013, 12:41:06 PM »

So does everyone who tunes an allroad just accept that their car will be easy to steal or am I missing something?

Easy to steal if you have a laser cut screwdriver, sure.

Everyone who wants to come and grab a tune, or create one without defining their file will have to live with the lack of an immobilizer. If you are here to stay, you'll take the time to define your OWN file to preserve the immobilizer.

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« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2013, 04:52:53 PM »

Looks like everything just got a LOT harder, I was thinking that these definitions already existed for 2.7T's of all sorts.

Defining my own file, not even sure where to begin or what that really means. It appears that 4Z7907551K is ME7.1 just like the more common M/L boxes. Does that mean that creating the definition file is a matter of using something like this to find the locations of known M/L maps within my K-bin:

Then just take the M/L .xdf and edit each location to match the proper location on the K-box?

or do I need to figure out how to disassemble the K-bin, learn German to read the Bosch docs, and build everything from scratch?

These might seem like stupid questions but I'm having trouble getting to a real starting point, it seems that everyone here assumes a base knowledge level that is beyond anything posted on any wiki/faq page I have been able to find.
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« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2013, 06:23:25 PM »

Does that mean that creating the definition file is a matter of using something like this to find the locations of known M/L maps within my K-bin:

Then just take the M/L .xdf and edit each location to match the proper location on the K-box?

Yes. All 2.7t files are VERY similar, so once you have the definition for one, the rest are easy. It'd take me maybe 5 minutes to define everything needed for a stage3 tune in your file. I'll give you a hand if you get stuck.

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« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2013, 10:23:04 PM »

Cool. Is the tool I linked a good one or would you use something else to do this in 5 minutes? I'm assuming I'll need closer to 5 hours, but I'd rather it not become 50 hours.

FWIW I have zero interest in stage 3. Immediate interest is coding out rear O2 CEL, then finishing more maintenance, then installing catless downpipes and building my own bi-polar stage 2 file with lots of fuel and boost in gears 1-4 but low boost and fuel in 5th gear. Either that or somehow have boost/fuel delivery be more load or throttle dependent, I'm not sure what would be best. I only want the car to get out of its own way when hammered without impacting its fuel economy on the highway.
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« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2013, 12:31:37 AM »

FWIW stage 3 does not have worse gas mileage... well, unless you can't control your right foot Smiley

The bigger problem is you have a tip, which cannot handle the kind of torque a proper k04 tune can make.

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« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2013, 01:22:13 AM »

Even bigger problem is a girlfriend who won't drive manuals, otherwise I'd be rocking the 01E in style. How does putting bigger fuel pump, bigger injectors, and lowering AFR not result in worse gas mileage?

Either way at the moment I still don't really have a damn clue how to start making the definition file let alone tuning the car. There's some kind of basic step(s) that I haven't found yet.

Example: ESKONF is at 0x10C7B on M/L-box. I need to find its location on the allroad ECU and should be able to do so in under a minute easy, implying there must be some kind of parsing tool available that I either can't find or don't know how to use. What am I missing here?
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« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2013, 01:26:59 AM »

How does putting bigger fuel pump, bigger injectors, and lowering AFR not result in worse gas mileage?

99.999% of the time, you're running lambda 1. Your right foot regulates how much fuel you use. If you drive roughly the same as you would in a stage 2 car, you won't use more gas, and in some cases, you'll use less gas because k04s are more efficient than k03s in some regions.

Either way at the moment I still don't really have a damn clue how to start making the definition file let alone tuning the car. There's some kind of basic step(s) that I haven't found yet.

Example: ESKONF is at 0x10C7B on M/L-box. I need to find its location on the allroad ECU and should be able to do so in under a minute easy, implying there must be some kind of parsing tool available that I either can't find or don't know how to use. What am I missing here?

I'd not worry about that yet, and tune your car using an existing def file with immo off.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2013, 01:28:36 AM by nyet » Logged

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« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2013, 06:38:31 AM »

Nye's right. If you can conrol yourself, a properly tuned stage3 car will get the same, if not better economy than a stock/stage2 car. Just make sure if you add fuel via LAMFA that you rescale the axis. That's where most people go wrong. If you don't, any throttle input >1 percent will result in unwanted enrichment. As for your codewords:

cdkat 181A2
cwdlsahk 18663
cdhsh 1819E
cdhshe 1819F
cdlatv 181A6
cdlash 181A4
cdlsh 181AA
cdlshv 181AB
cwkonls 181BB
clrhk 11A93
eskonf 10C81 (the bit pairs are the same)

Rear 02 circuit diagnosis ON                        Rear 02 circuit diagnosis OFF
00 FC E3 FC 0C 00 C3 FF AA FA 55 55 55--->00 FC E3 FC 0C C0 CF FF AA FA 55 55 55

How did I find them? You need a hex editor and an eye for patterns. Open a file that you KNOW the address of a codeword/string, and open one that you need to find. Look for similarities in the data. It sounds harder than it is.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2013, 06:44:06 AM by ddillenger » Logged

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« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2013, 03:07:02 PM »

Yowza, so you just have to be like Neo looking at the code in the Matrix. I'll give it a shot this weekend and see what I can come up with.

I was thinking that there must be a lot of maps that look very similar to each other and would be easy to get mixed up just looking at the hex, but maybe not. With any luck I might have a definition file finished by the time I'm ready to start tuning.

I guess I'll pick a few things and post up my best guesses as to their locations on the allroad ECU.
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« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2013, 03:39:19 PM »

There are similar maps, but download the winOLS demo. The 2d view is great for differentiating, it allows you to take in everything. What's before and after the map, how different it is, etc.

It really isn't THAT difficult.

As for learning German, that'll happen too.

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