+1 on Phila.
You're throwing an mixture code. Why have you got the 4 bar?
If you're running standard injectors, which I'll put money on that you are, because everyone that is sticks a 4 bar FPR in because "the internet told them to", then that's the reason you're throwing that code.
If you're IDC is over 100%, you need bigger injectors. Stop trying to fudge the results by moving pressure around. With the new pressure, I'll put even more money that that's not been accounted for.
Sorry for the rant, but go back to a 3 bar and either run less power (less IDC), or bigger injectors and get them mapped in.
I agree! I didn't read his post correctly and jumped to an errant conclusion based on a past experience that I had. It is so obvious that it's a stock injector issue that he is trying to overcome with higher FP, just doesn't work that way.
I'm sorry for the stupid advice and conclusion.