Hi guys,
A puzzle and interesting answer.
I’ve been looking into the fuelling at the moment and working with these maps.
Even though the rail maps (KFPRSOLxxx) have been increased a bit and the rail pressure limit (KLPRMAX ) increased as well, my
specified rail pressure (prsoll_w) never seemed to rise to its full potential

Here are two logs from the same drive, a few minutes apart:

Specified rail pressure is the green line. The first (solid lines in the plot) is a good one, specified rail pressure is reasonable and actual lambda follows requested lambda. The second (dotted lines in the plot) is not so good. Actual lambda struggles to keep up with specified lambda. Bu this time specified rail pressure was lower as well. Now I’m hardly an expert, but surely if specified rail pressure was higher, then actual rail pressure would be higher as well and then actual lambda may be able to keep up with specified lambda? So I started digging into specified rail pressure.
Months ago, when I first began, I built a spare ECU to use for all these mods. I didn't want to open my original ECU to BDM-read it, instead I read my original flash via ODB (obviously only the flash). I then combined the flash of my original ecu with the e2p from the ebay donor ECU, immo-off'd the flash and e2p and wrote them both to the spare ECU with BDM.
I checked the coding, but I never thought to do any adaptations...
Fast forward to now and I've learnt that all the adaptations and other non-volatile variables, are stored in the e2p. I don't know why I didn't think about this before

So I did all the adaptations (throttle body, fuel pump and intake manifold runner) described in the VCDS wiki -
http://wiki.ross-tech.com/wiki/index.php/2.0l_TFSI_(AXX/BGB/BPJ/BPY/BWA) and I also cleared the fault codes which resets the LTFT and STFT.
You can see the difference in the graph. The green line is the specified rail pressure (prsoll_w).

P.S. One of the coil packs died during the last run, so I need to fix that before any more fun. But's that's a story for another day