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Author Topic: MED 9.1 basics  (Read 348815 times)
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« Reply #90 on: May 09, 2014, 12:47:35 AM »

Thanks all,

I tried another iteration of KFMIRL/KFMIOP where I increased the values at the top of the range in KFMIRL (and adjusted the axis and values in KFMIOP accordingly). If anything, this resulted in even more limitation in rlsol_w, but I can’t say for definite yet and I’m just guessing. I’ll need a few more logs before I can see any definite trend.

It is either the torque request into KFMIRL or the load request out of it.

Log the input and output of KFMIRL.

Definitely. I think this is the most pertinent thing to log now.

For those curious, this is how I interpreted the FR:

Section FU LDRLMX 8.101.0 Berechnung LDR Maximalfuellung rlmax describes how maps like LDPBN, KFTARX etc are summed together. So rather than pick through each individual map, look at the output of the whole section. If that’s not limiting, then the individual maps aren’t limiting either. The output of the whole section is plxs_w (which in turn leads to rlmax_w in FU BGRLMXS 7.10.0 Berechnung der Maximalen Sollfüllung)

Maps in LDRLMX 8.101.0

Put simply, if rlmax_w isn’t limited, then all the above maps are OK.
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« Reply #91 on: May 09, 2014, 06:23:07 AM »

Log mifa_w, rlmx_w, rlmax_w

PM's will not be answered, so don't even try.
Log your car properly - WinOLS database - Tools/patches
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« Reply #92 on: May 09, 2014, 02:27:53 PM »

Hi all,

I logged the input and output of KFMIRL and can confirm that the input is being capped (and so the output is correspondingly capped as well). It took quite a while to find the right things to log - I don't know what it's like on ME7, but on MED9 I found that KFMIRL is re-used in the assembly code for several different modes of operation (homogeneous, homogeneous-lean, homogeneous split, stratified injection, catalytic converter heating) and each mode has it's own variables for input and output that it uses to call KFMIRL with.

Anyway, it's homogeneous mode.

By luck more than anything, I managed to get a log that contains a WOT pull without the problem and another WOT pull with the problem. Both in the same trip down the road, just a couple of minutes apart. I honestly can't see what's different Huh

Log mifa_w, rlmx_w, rlmax_w

Here you go. mifa_w, rlmax_w and rlmx_w are fine, but pssol_w suffers from correction on the second pull.

First pull - no correction

Second pull - pssol_w being limited

« Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 03:11:49 PM by Basano » Logged
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« Reply #93 on: May 09, 2014, 02:42:09 PM »

So now rlmax is being limited?

Wasn't the problem yesterday intervention on rlsol only?
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« Reply #94 on: May 09, 2014, 03:04:53 PM »

Aaargh, my mistake!

I got the the column names mixed up in my CSV files I was using for ECUxPlot  Embarrassed

It's still the same as yesterday. rlsol_w is being capped, rlmax_w is fine.

I've updated the post and graphs accordingly.

Thanks for spotting it Wink

BTW - what is the relevance of mifa_w? Does it provide any clues?
« Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 03:15:55 PM by Basano » Logged
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« Reply #95 on: May 09, 2014, 03:46:21 PM »

Mifa is the torque request.

If mifa is greater than milsol (MED9?) then you have slow path torque intervention.
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« Reply #96 on: May 10, 2014, 02:58:28 AM »

The limiting is due to to EGT model.

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« Reply #97 on: May 10, 2014, 02:30:14 PM »


I've logged and traced back as far as misol_w and ruled out miszull_w as well, which only leaves milsolv_w.

misol_w (and therefore milsolv_w) are being limited. mifa_w is not limited.

But for the life of me, I'm stuck to see how the EGT model connects here Huh I'd be very grateful if you could explain a bit more. Does the EGT model set a variable that is then referenced by milsolv_w?

I think I saw in the FR how these variables affect milsolv_w, but I didn't see EGT?

migsl_w      Interior nominal engine torque to fuel limitation in GSf
miasrl_w   Indexed desired engine torque ASR for slow intervention
miges_w      Indexed nominal motor torque for transmission protection
mivmx_w      Indexed nominal torque of the VMAX control
mibgrl_w   indexed to-moment by moment limiting air path
minmxl_w   indexed set torque for NMAX limit for air adaptation

Much appreciated
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« Reply #98 on: May 18, 2014, 10:47:57 AM »

you figure this out yet?? I'm having the same issueissue. found that mdgat is the model, but no idea how that's used to limit requested boost. found limiting torque, but wouldn't that be load?
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« Reply #99 on: May 19, 2014, 06:18:04 AM »

Ooh, good shout.

Just took a quick peep at that section in the FR - FU MDBGRMOT 1.60.0 Motorspezifische Momentenbegrenzungen

It describes a number of limitations:

miatbgr_w limitation due to high exhaust gas temperature
mitmbgr_w limitation dependent on engine temperature
mihdpbgr_w limitation due to low rail pressure at low temperatures
plus a few others

Then they all get added together to produce mibgrl_w (indexed to-moment by moment limiting air path) which is the output of the whole section and links very neatly to my post of how far I'd gotten.

no idea how that's used to limit requested boost. found limiting torque, but wouldn't that be load?

rlsol_w -> pssol_w

There's a little diagram in FU BGMSDKS 3.40.4 Berechnung Sollmassenstrom ¨uber Drosselklappe which shows load in and pressure out. Rightly or wrongly, this is the only place pssol_w is set and thus I've assumed how load is connected to pressure. When rlsol_w is limited, so is pssol_w
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« Reply #100 on: May 19, 2014, 07:58:17 AM »

Hi guys,

A puzzle and interesting answer.

I’ve been looking into the fuelling at the moment and working with these maps.



Even though the rail maps (KFPRSOLxxx) have been increased a bit and the rail pressure limit (KLPRMAX ) increased as well, my specified rail pressure (prsoll_w) never seemed to rise to its full potential Huh Here are two logs from the same drive, a few minutes apart:

Specified rail pressure is the green line. The first (solid lines in the plot) is a good one, specified rail pressure is reasonable and actual lambda follows requested lambda. The second (dotted lines in the plot) is not so good. Actual lambda struggles to keep up with specified lambda. Bu this time specified rail pressure was lower as well. Now I’m hardly an expert, but surely if specified rail pressure was higher, then actual rail pressure would be higher as well and then actual lambda may be able to keep up with specified lambda? So I started digging into specified rail pressure.

Months ago, when I first began, I built a spare ECU to use for all these mods. I didn't want to open my original ECU to BDM-read it, instead I read my original flash via ODB (obviously only the flash). I then combined the flash of my original ecu with the e2p from the ebay donor ECU, immo-off'd the flash and e2p and wrote them both to the spare ECU with BDM.

I checked the coding, but I never thought to do any adaptations...

Fast forward to now and I've learnt that all the adaptations  and other non-volatile variables, are stored in the e2p. I don't know why I didn't think about this before Embarrassed So I did all the adaptations (throttle body, fuel pump and intake manifold runner) described in the VCDS wiki - and  I also cleared the fault codes which resets the LTFT and STFT.

You can see the difference in the graph. The green line is the specified rail pressure (prsoll_w).

P.S. One of the coil packs died during the last run, so I need to fix that before any more fun. But's that's a story for another day  Smiley
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« Reply #101 on: May 19, 2014, 11:02:09 AM »

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« Reply #102 on: May 27, 2014, 11:44:08 AM »

Ooh, good shout.

Just took a quick peep at that section in the FR - FU MDBGRMOT 1.60.0 Motorspezifische Momentenbegrenzungen

It describes a number of limitations:

miatbgr_w limitation due to high exhaust gas temperature
mitmbgr_w limitation dependent on engine temperature
mihdpbgr_w limitation due to low rail pressure at low temperatures
plus a few others

Then they all get added together to produce mibgrl_w (indexed to-moment by moment limiting air path) which is the output of the whole section and links very neatly to my post of how far I'd gotten.

rlsol_w -> pssol_w

There's a little diagram in FU BGMSDKS 3.40.4 Berechnung Sollmassenstrom ¨uber Drosselklappe which shows load in and pressure out. Rightly or wrongly, this is the only place pssol_w is set and thus I've assumed how load is connected to pressure. When rlsol_w is limited, so is pssol_w

well i think i figured out the limiting pressure deal for my car. i was doing my fueling through the BTS maps, and i guess that will somehow limit the requested boost. so i changed those back to stock, and have been adjusting the LAMFA map to try and stay out of the BTS via EGT. it seems to be working better, but at the higher rpm i think bts is still intervening. could just be the stock hpfp dip sending it into BTS, but idk.  i also changed a little in the I-limit map too.
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« Reply #103 on: July 02, 2014, 01:01:13 PM »

Hello Team Nefmoto,

If anyone has an idle moment, have a peep at my little puzzle below Cheesy

I haven’t done anything new on my tune in ages, but I had some time recently and was looking through some of my logs when I spotted this one.

Very straightforward, I'm sure. Actual Boost diverging from Requested Boost.

This is where my lack of experience lets me down Sad

Have a look at the area I've circled in green on the plot. What could be causing this divergence from around 5000rpm onwards?

1) Some kind of thermodynamic limit? Is my K04 turning into a big hairdryer?
2) Perhaps the wastegate actuator spring? Could the gas flowing through the turbo be forcing open the wastegate against the spring?
3) I didn't think it was the wastegate duty cycle since this is going in the right direction (upwards). Note that it's duty cycle before linearization in the picture. Sorry, forgot to log post linearization  Embarrassed
4) Something daft I've overlooked...

Curious to hear your opinions  Grin

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« Reply #104 on: July 02, 2014, 01:32:25 PM »

What's your I-limit look like?

Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets the opportunity to learn from your experience!

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