Nope, me7.1 is the most stable for me via obd. I use a Ross tech cable and nef, I have probably read/wrote 250-300 ecus easily over 1000 times in the last few years. I can count the number of times I have used my bench setup and bootmode on one hand. Is this all the same vehicle you are having issues on?
No few diffrent ones few a6's my 2001.5 s4, a 2000 vr6 gti,
And most recent a 2002 allroad. Mainly I use mpps v13... Last night I made some small changes to a file I didn't feel like pulling the ecu out again so I said wtf and tried threw obd2 with mpps went to 100% then failed... The car started once then wouldn't start again... Ended up having to pull the ecu out anyway... Needless to say I wasn't thrilled. Is there other software that's has a higher secess rate? How's that knockoff triboot galletto 2 tool? Does anyone have experience with that?
Thanks for the responds