Hi Guys,
i'll have to toy around with an M3.82 during the next weeks and so i wanted to get some things clearer.
First thing i couldnt get the best info about was KHFM - Grundanpassungskonstante.
basically it seems to be quite identical to the krkte in me7.
the only formula i found for it was:
KHFMnew= Qstatnew*KHFMorig/Qstatorig . Being someone who likes if not everyhtings based on a rule of three i started digging into it 3 hours ago. So i found a patent whith a rough description of how it works:
lets call it:
air mass (better said arithmetic mean of it) gets divided by rpm (identical to me7):
mL kg*min
nmot h
after that follows the KHFM division. The result has to be in ms being the injection time needed for lambda=1 based on that mL:
----- = x[ms]
from that follows that KHFM has to have the unit: -----------
h *ms
based on that i would say the correct way to calculate KHFM is:
1000 [g/kg]
with nCyl=number of cylinders
0,0000167, 60 and 1000 bein there for changing units of the input. Also remember from ME7 FRM that Qstatbenzin= 1,05*QstatHeptan.
so if i feed that calculation now with my mLn the resulting unit of the equation is ms.
I made a test equation:
1. The original AGU injectors (06A906031; 0280150464) are called to have 249,1cc/min and 179,2 g/min according to Stan Weiss:
http://users.erols.com/srweiss/tableifc.htmwith Qstatbenzin= 1,05*179,2 g/min = 188,16 g/min.
I made a guess with nmot=5000 and mL=140g/s= mL=504kg/h --> mLn=0.1008 [kg*min/h]
mLn 0,1008*1000
-----------=--------------------------------= 9,09 ms (time for one rotation @ 5000 rpm= 12ms)
KHFM 4*14.7*60*188.16*0.0000167
with 440cc Bosch Injectors the calculation delivers 5.065ms
I think the resulting values appear to make sense.
Based on that i checked the decimal value in the 06A906018CG File which is: 43860. dividing KHFM for the original Injectors (0,0111085936) by 43860 i got my factor for that value which is: 0.000000253. Does it make sense?
Also another question i have in my mind is: is this the value which is also used as the load-values?
so my initial question should be: Is anyone able to tell me whether this is correct or proof me wrong?