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Author Topic: Hello from the confused  (Read 3568 times)

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« on: April 13, 2014, 05:39:05 PM »

Hi folks. I'm trying to retrieve the skc off my VW van(2003 t4 2.5tdi) so I can have a spare key. It has Immobiliser 3.

I've reading away on here for a few days. I've learned loads but have hit a bit of a brick wall. This post has been my starting point as I've only one cable, a VAG KKL from ebay read on mprog as having a FT232R chip.

I first installed ddillengers VAG_K+Commander_v2.5. I read the immobiliser/instrument unit through the special function but it returned a load of FF's where I hoped to find the SKC. My immobiliser works as I have a blank key that doesn't start the van.

Lost as to why I'm now trying to install .ept to the cable using mprog 3.5 to use VAG Tacho. I installed the drivers for win 7 x64 and I could read and parse and save my cables settings to use again with vagcom. When I open the vagtacho.ept template and scan it reveal 1 programmed and 1 blank device found. However, when I try to program it says no devices found! It won't let me check or uncheck the "only program blank devices box" either.

Complete noob to all of this so any help would be much appreciated.Thanks.

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« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2014, 06:51:29 PM »

I was hoping for a similar result to the read out here-

Instead I got this


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« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2014, 08:58:21 PM »

I think the SKC is somewhere odd as these vans have a seperate immobiliser from what I can gather. Been through a list of common VAG locations in the vag commander read out I got and none of them seem to match up. Would like to get vagtacho going to see what it says and then cross reference it back to the VAG commander read-out.
Here's the full bin if anyone can make sense of it

Got mprog going. Ddilingers vagtacho.ept was for the 245r and my cable has a 232r so I was getting the no devices found Tongue. Changed it to a 232r and it worked. Installed the FTD2XX drivers but the cable is still not recognised by VAGTACHO and cannot get their drivers to install. The USB-kline.ept in the vagtacho.rar is for a different chip and I'm afraid to change to the 232r and flash in case I have no driver for it and I loose the cable. Is this what I need to do?

« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 09:12:03 PM by Interslice » Logged
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