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Author Topic: 1981 VW T3 1.8turbo build  (Read 283106 times)
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flying brick

« on: May 27, 2014, 05:11:53 AM »

I bought a spare 1981 VW T3 in 2010 that was supposed to be for parts to improve my other T3, but the body was in such better shape that I decided to invest in this one and sell the other.
Long story short in this picture, April 2010 completely stock and Februari 2011 just after new license approval with 115hp 2.0 8v gti engine, 4x diskbrakes, LPG system and poptop. That was one buisy year for me..

I have made improvements every now and then to have it suit my wishes, and now it was time to get a new engine. I bought a 1997 AEB 1.8T 20v with gearbox, which I want to use in the van. Since the engine is in the absolute rear, the gearbox had to be flipped around to have any use.
Engine when I picked it up:

Cutting an adaptor plate to fit the engine and gearbox:

Here is the engine coupled to the gearbox by use of my self cut 15mm adaptor plate:

I bought several parts for the exhaust to make a full stainless 3" turboback system with 2 silencers for a little less noise since I have a little daughter that sits right in front of the engine  Grin I am currently on a 2.25" catless steel system with just 1 silencer, which is not that loud inside the van, but a bit anti social to drive through urban areas when people are sleeping.
I heared the turbo takes away some of the engine noise as well, so I am mainly looking for performance in this 3" system.
Here are the parts, still need to buy the pipes and bends
Rear silencer

Pre-silencer, 4ply flex pipe and bungs

Turbo flange

Working on a power steer delete at the moment, got the bracked hacked up and just need to find a proper pulley for the water pump and a belt.

So about the digital stuff, I found very little useful information about my type of ecu (8D0907557 0261203551 355966).
Even with maps that should be alike, I cannot make links between maps since the axis data will not make sense.
As for the map packs that should be suitable for this old type of ECU (tried,, 8D0907557P.ols that I found on this forum) , I still get no usefull descriptions or axis data.

I found the following map elaborations when I searched on the map names via google, however they are not all in my ecu:
0996E 16x16 (inj. time) >found this one, I presume the Y axis is RPM (15-170 with 40 offset displays as 600-6800rpm) but the X and Z axis do not make any sense if I look at it as beeing injection times so it should be something else (g/s or load on X? Don't have a clue tbh...)
09B88 16x16 - Ignition angle (map for normal conditions) > found this one
09CAC 16x16 (ignition angle at part throttle 23) > found this one
0A0C6 16x16 (ignition angle at part throttle 33) > found this one
0A1DA 8x8 - Ignition angle correction due to TCO or TIA > found this one
Then there are a few that are not in my potential map list:
0A22C 16x1 (ignition angle at WOT)
0AA67 8x1 (overboost)
0ACFB 9x16 - Target Load
0ADEB 9x19 - N75 precontrol
0AE7B 8x12 - N75 DC correction due to TIA (coeff)
0AF6B 4x16 - Load limitation due to altitude
0996E 16x16 - Injection correction to achive target Lambda (coeff)
0A22C 16x1 - Ignition angle correction at Full load (additive)
0A73B 8x12 - predicted Load due to TPS

I dont know how reliable the descriptions are since I just picked them off the internet.
My first goal would be to rewrite the standard AEB file to an AJL file since those engines and managements should be identical, this way I can maybe learn what changes Audi has made to the file to receive 180hp instead of 150. If I manage this, then I should feel confident enough to make adjustments according to my own needs. However, before I can do such I need to identify the maps and understand the data...
I know some advise to just buy another ecu, but that is money that I cant spend on other parts. I'd rather work with what I have unless there is absolutely no other way.
Hope you guys can think with me! I'll keep posting my latest mods to the engine and progress in the project  Grin
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 12:19:36 PM by TijnCU » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2014, 05:29:50 AM »

It is not possible to compare AEB dump to AJL dump directly as your is M3.8.3 while AJL should be ME7.

How are you planning to route exhaust with pre-silencer?


Regarding map addresses you posted:
 - @0996Eh - it is fuelling map (RPM/load->fueling factor - 128=1)
 - 3 16x16 ignition maps - I can not tell you which is used when, but there are also 2 4x7 maps which looks like idle/cut-off ignition advance (@09E9Bh & 09EC6h) and 12x16 map @09F02h which also looks like ignition advance related
 - other maps WinOls did not find for you - you have to be aware WinOls will not find all the maps in file, so you have to learn how to find them manually. In your dump twodimensional (3D) maps are written as Y axis identifier, Y axis element number = Y axis size, Y axis elements, X axis identifier, X axis element number, X axis elements, map contents. Onedimensional (2D) maps contains just one axis description followed by map content.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 06:03:58 AM by tjwasiak » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2014, 06:05:23 AM »

Ahw, I must be misinformed there then. I thought I saw an AJL with throttle cable? Searched it again but I seem to find the A6 C5 AJL 180hp with m3.82 ecu?
To your edit: thanks for the additional info, I have searched the hexdump for maps but came to 36 maps too so I assumed that winols had done a good job. As you may notice I do not yet master the ECU lingo  Roll Eyes but at least you understood what I ment.

My exhaust will go from the turbo straight through over the axle, then with flex part into a 180 degree bend, into the pre silencer, straight through to the back under the axle into a 90 degree bend into the rear silencer. From there it is basically optical, I will figure out how far apart the exit pieces will be by the looks of the rear (they come out both ways of the silencer in 2,5"). If it gets too crammed, I can route the exhaust over the gearbox to the other side, but I need to test fit the whole when I have the engine mounts ready anyway. I hope to find a workshop that will bend me the pieces in between the parts, but I think it will come down to welding it together...But thats fun too  Cool
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 06:24:45 AM by TijnCU » Logged

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« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2014, 06:34:53 AM »

I would not use any sharp 180 degree parts in exhaust.

I did a "quick" search which gave me 213 maps in your file but I am quite sure there are more then that as I am not sure where map area starts and ends. I found something strange between ~ 0AB00h and 0B000h - I do not know if there is a code area between maps or what could be that part of file...

EDIT: I also not so sure what factors should be used for temperature and ignition advance conversion...
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flying brick

« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2014, 06:57:56 AM »

Okay, then I need to look again how to properly set up a file in WinOls  Wink I'll try later on, maybe this will give me at least some more reference. All bends I want to use will be constant radius, I have learned that these will not have negative effects on gasflow.  I will think very carefully how I make this fit so I will never have to make big adjustments again. Hence the stainless  Grin

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« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2014, 12:44:55 AM »

I found a half defined file for the M3.2 ecu which is of any use, and ordered myself a Willem Eprom reader from Thailand. Should be here in about a week. In the mean time I have started investigating a ME7 map, a good friend of mine a has a '00 Audi TT that i'm allowed to experiment on  Grin it is easyer to get started on this map since there is so much info on this site concerning these ecu's. 
I found an interesting turbo that I would like to try in the future, the turbine housing of a K04-015 coupled to a RS4 K04-025 compressor housing with the 04-025 chra. Anyone seen something like this on a longitudinal 1.8 engine before?
* in fact I have written a few emails today with a turbo manufacturer from China, I am going to see if they can collect the parts for me seperate since they sell all the above types. Retail pricing would be in the range of 250-300€ so thats a nice start off. If they can cut me a good deal I might get a few down here and see if I can get uprated CHRA's from a reliable remanufacturer. I'm more drawn by the fun of building a turbo at 1/5 of the price a proper KKK frame hybrid costs me, if I would do this with genuine equipment costs would rise towards 2000€ and that is definitely not the kind of money I want to spend on a K04 turbo.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 10:54:48 AM by TijnCU » Logged

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flying brick

« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2014, 06:22:15 AM »

Just received my Willem, now I just need to have a serial cable to usb. Should be able to get this thing working this week  Shocked the ebay chip is already inserted in the upper plcc32 slot, that will be my first read Roll Eyes
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 06:24:35 AM by TijnCU » Logged

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flying brick

« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2014, 02:31:16 PM »

No tuning progress, my eprom programmer did not work with the usb adapter. Tonight I tried to link it to my old laptop (parallel port in the back, win98 yo), and managed to read the bin 1st try. Great, plugged in my usb stick and... No usb drivers present on the laptop! Tried to install xp, but there was only 32mb memory where xp needs 64mb minimum. So now I have the bin but cant read it since there is no programmes on the old laptop haha. This weekend I will pick up a pci card  for my desktop that will solve all of my troubles Roll Eyes

The engine is now basically stripped, just need to take off the intake manifold and oil sump. I want to make sure all of the old oil is out and the oil pump is clean. The turbo is partially disassembeled so I can clean all of the old oil out of it. No signs of oil on the cold side, and shaft play is fine. That is a nice start  Smiley
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 12:14:50 PM by TijnCU » Logged

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flying brick

« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2014, 03:48:05 AM »

Took me a while to get things working with the programmer, but I finally managed to pull the bin.
Any feedback on this? Should be written for a completely stock engine, untested.
I will use it to identify changed maps first, but the idea was to run this file untill I get more insight in how to adjust to my personal needs.
I have found adjustments in all my above mentioned maps, just slight increases in the bottom right at most occasions. There are also showing maps that I did not find yet, but I can tell from the hexdump that differs at some points. At least it is helpfull, and I dont see any wild increases in numbers yet exept in the load table.
Did I mention I ported my wastegate?  Tongue

hehe that was fun
Added screenshot of target load comparison
So far I have found about 14 changed map area's (where one area seems to consist out of 3 repeating patterns but I cant get them to show as a readable map in 3d mode individually), I presume the last part of the hexdump is different because of the checksum correction? There is a major section that differs from the original file. I have compared the two by using winols linking the maps together.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 03:11:21 AM by TijnCU » Logged

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« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2014, 08:32:37 AM »

are you sure this .orig file is original ? I tried to ID some maps for you but KFLF for example ,seems already tuned compared to other .oris

VAG cars newbie tuner Smiley
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« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2014, 02:06:26 PM »

No, i'm not sure. This is one I pulled from a website, untill I get my ecu desoldered I cant be 100% sure about the file. In any case it seems to be a somewhat rare file/ecu platform since there is hardly any info to find on m3.2 Huh
Havent looked into it for some time, I spent most of my time on other subjects.
Finished my rear brakes just a week ago, and built in my spare rebuilt 2.0 8v because my exhaust studs broke off. Just to keep the van on the road for my holiday, I hope to swap the turbo in mid August.
Thanks for taking the time to look into the file, have you compared the tuned one as well?
New seals, gaskets, bearings and a pretty little cam with 11.2mm lift

Old block out and stripped

New one back in

and the new rear brake, 286x22mm vented/drilled with a 2011 VW T5 caliper

Have added another original file, a bin that comes from this site. Will use this one for reference now.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 12:29:47 PM by TijnCU » Logged

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flying brick

« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2014, 02:16:45 AM »

On my vacation, my water pump failed. Unfortunately I do not have a temperature gauge in the dash so I noticed a bit too late. My 8v is properly overheated and the car has been brought back home by the insurance company while I received a replacement camper (not too shabby) to complete my vacation.

I am now back home and collecting parts to do the 20v turbo swap, last week I made a spacer for my oil filter stand so that it clears the gearbox adapterplate:

On friday I will machine my flywheel and wednesday I will begin stripping the engine from the bus.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 12:42:39 PM by TijnCU » Logged

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« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2014, 06:18:50 PM »

cool stuff here

If you are broke or expecting free handouts DO NOT message me. I'll probably put you on blast if you do.
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flying brick

« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2014, 03:23:03 AM »

Wednesday I removed the 2.0 8v engine from the bay, works pretty fast when you know everything has to come out. Just removed all bolts from the supports and axles and just dropped the whole.

Also spent some time cleaning the sump of the 1.8t, and cleared the oil pump pickup of any sludge particles. It was 90% free of sludge so I guess it has had proper maintenance. The VW/Audi marked spark plugs where also still in. I replace them for the copper core NGK BKR7E sparkles.
On friday I machined the solid mass flywheel and I received my 2nd sidemount intercooler in the mail, a 2.7tt unit.

I'm now waiting for parts, I ordered a new timing belt, hydro blocks for the engine support and 2 cv joints that will merge the Audi gearbox to the bus his standard axles. This week I will finish the cleanup in the bus, and next tuesday me and a friend will fabricate the engine supports.
In the meantime I hope to have the PLCC32 socket soldered in so I can try to start it when it is in next week.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 12:48:58 PM by TijnCU » Logged

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flying brick

« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2014, 12:46:15 AM »

Just desoldered my original chip, here is the file:

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