What about the other direction? Changing nmot_c to change what’s transmitted out?
I was a bit wary about changing nmot_c directly. Although nmot_c will indeed be passed to the message buffer for transmission, what about other places in the code that may depend on nmot_c? The results could be unpredictable. So instead of changing the variable nmot_c, I decided to change the message buffer instead. Just before nmot_c is written to the message buffer, I insert my own value thus:
Original flow:
nmot_c -> general purpose register -> message buffer
Modified flow:
nmot_c -> general purpose register -> my_own_value -> general purpose register -> message buffer
I limited my changes to the message buffer to when the engine was not running (B_nmin). Remember, although I’m not setting the variable nmot_c within the ecu, I’m still going to be sending out a CANBUS message with a modified value for nmot_c. The cluster should see this and move the rpm needle. Other nodes may also think the engine is running when it’s not… So I played it safe and put in some conditions – engine not running (B_nmin) , brake pedal pressed (B_br), clutch pedal pressed (B_kuppl).
The result is a little routine that flicks the rpm needle from 1000 -> 2000 -> 3000 -> 4000 -> 1000 every time the clutch pedal is pressed and released (plus engine not running and brake pedal also pressed). All I’m doing is overwriting bytes 3 and 4 in that message buffer.
This code is specific to my bin and location therein. I’ve chosen the General Purpose Registers and RAM addresses _very_ carefully to avoid clashes. It took me ages and I bricked my ecu more than once. BDM was my friend to recover here. Use it as a guide by all means, but it’s not intended as a straight copy/paste exercise. If it all goes horribly wrong, you have been warned…This is my entry point into the code. I replace the original instruction at ROM:004F7B60 with my own instruction which is a jump to a free area ROM:0047C750. The penultimate instruction in the free area will be the displaced original instruction and the final instruction will be another jump back to the original code. General purpose register r30 is what I’m going to ultimately overwrite as explained above.
This section is the original code
ROM:004F7B50 clrlslwi r11, r11, 24,7
ROM:004F7B54 or r12, r12, r11
ROM:004F7B58 clrlslwi r10, r10, 24,8
ROM:004F7B5C or r30, r12, r10
ROM:004F7B60 loc_4F7B60: # CODE XREF: sub_4F79BC+F0 j
ROM:004F7B60 b loc_47C750
ROM:004F7B64 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROM:004F7B64 loc_4F7B64: # CODE XREF: sub_4F79BC-7B1A0 j
ROM:004F7B64 srwi r10, r30, 24
ROM:004F7B68 or r11, r11, r10
ROM:004F7B6C rlwinm r12, r30, 24,16,23
ROM:004F7B70 lis r29, unk_8043E4@h
And this is the new code that increments a counter. There's a section in here where I store the count byte in non-volatile ram. Directly after that I calculate a checksum of the ram mirror block where I've stored the byte. This is so the value will be comitted from the ram miror to the eeprom.
This post has more details about the ram mirror.This is my new code I added in free space
ROM:0047C750 loc_47C750: # CODE XREF: sub_4F79BC:loc_4F7B60 j
ROM:0047C750 lbz r11, byte_7FEBA7 (B_nmin - engine not running)
ROM:0047C754 cmpwi r11, 1
ROM:0047C758 bne loc_47C818 (if the engine is running, ignore this whole routine and jump to the end)
ROM:0047C75C lbz r11, byte_7FEDBD (B_kuppl - clutch pedal)
ROM:0047C760 cmpwi r11, 1
ROM:0047C764 bne loc_47C810
ROM:0047C768 lbz r11, byte_7FEDB8 (B_br - brake pedal)
ROM:0047C76C cmpwi r11, 1
ROM:0047C770 bne loc_47C810
ROM:0047C774 lbz r11, byte_807F10 (temporary byte for latch, set / reset when pedal is pressed / released, stops value racing though 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 1 whilst pedal is kept pressed etc)
ROM:0047C778 cmpwi r11, 0
ROM:0047C77C bne loc_47C7C8
ROM:0047C780 li r11, 1
ROM:0047C784 stb r11, byte_807F10
ROM:0047C788 lbz r11, byte_7FABF7 (this is the byte that holds the count, increments when the pedal is pressed)
ROM:0047C78C addi r11, r11, 1
ROM:0047C790 cmpwi r11, 3
ROM:0047C794 ble loc_47C79C
ROM:0047C798 li r11, 0
ROM:0047C79C loc_47C79C: # CODE XREF: sub_4F79BC-7B228 j
ROM:0047C79C stb r11, byte_7FABF7 (this section store my count in non-volatile memory, so it’s persistent over power cycles)
ROM:0047C7A0 li r7, 0
ROM:0047C7A4 li r29, 0
ROM:0047C7A8 loc_47C7A8: # CODE XREF: sub_4F79BC-7B200 j
ROM:0047C7A8 addi r11, r13, -0x5414 # unk_7FABDC
ROM:0047C7AC lbzx r11, r11, r7
ROM:0047C7B0 add r29, r29, r11
ROM:0047C7B4 addi r7, r7, 1
ROM:0047C7B8 cmpwi r7, 0x1E
ROM:0047C7BC blt loc_47C7A8
ROM:0047C7C0 xori r29, r29, 0xFFFF
ROM:0047C7C4 sth r29, word_7FABFA
ROM:0047C7C8 loc_47C7C8: # CODE XREF: sub_4F79BC-7B240 j
ROM:0047C7C8 lbz r11, byte_7FABF7 (this section converts count 0-1-2-3 to rpm 1000-2000-3000-4000)
ROM:0047C7CC cmpwi r11, 0
ROM:0047C7D0 beq loc_47C7EC
ROM:0047C7D4 cmpwi r11, 1
ROM:0047C7D8 beq loc_47C7F4
ROM:0047C7DC cmpwi r11, 2
ROM:0047C7E0 beq loc_47C7FC
ROM:0047C7E4 cmpwi r11, 3
ROM:0047C7E8 beq loc_47C804
ROM:0047C7EC loc_47C7EC: # CODE XREF: sub_4F79BC-7B1EC j
ROM:0047C7EC lis r11, 0xFA0
ROM:0047C7F0 b loc_47C808
ROM:0047C7F4 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROM:0047C7F4 loc_47C7F4: # CODE XREF: sub_4F79BC-7B1E4 j
ROM:0047C7F4 lis r11, 0x1F40
ROM:0047C7F8 b loc_47C808
ROM:0047C7FC # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROM:0047C7FC loc_47C7FC: # CODE XREF: sub_4F79BC-7B1DC j
ROM:0047C7FC lis r11, 0x2EE0
ROM:0047C800 b loc_47C808
ROM:0047C804 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROM:0047C804 loc_47C804: # CODE XREF: sub_4F79BC-7B1D4 j
ROM:0047C804 lis r11, 0x3E80
ROM:0047C808 loc_47C808: # CODE XREF: sub_4F79BC-7B1CC j
ROM:0047C808 # sub_4F79BC-7B1C4 j ...
ROM:0047C808 or r30, r30, r11 (copy my count into r30)
ROM:0047C80C b loc_47C818
ROM:0047C810 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROM:0047C810 loc_47C810: # CODE XREF: sub_4F79BC-7B258 j
ROM:0047C810 # sub_4F79BC-7B24C j
ROM:0047C810 li r11, 0
ROM:0047C814 stb r11, byte_807F10 (reset the latch)
ROM:0047C818 loc_47C818: # CODE XREF: sub_4F79BC-7B264 j
ROM:0047C818 # sub_4F79BC-7B1B0 j
ROM:0047C818 slwi r11, r30, 24
ROM:0047C81C b loc_4F7B64 (jump back to the main code)
Little video attached to show you the end result