I have been trying to get a bench-rig working for a 032HN 1.8T AUQ ECU, previously Nef has always thrown "Disconnecting because no response was received for the Tester Present message.", now it works reliably with a 06A906032HN and a 4B0906018DC (both immo 3). This has also fixed the connection issues I was having with the 032HN, where it would take me many tries to get Nef to connect.
The big difference between my rig and the standard bench rig (detailed here:
http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=417.0title=) is that I've powered up pin 121 on the ECU (T121/121), which is the rightmost pin in the small ecu plug:
Connect the pins as follows:
ECU pins:
Pin 1 -> Ground
Pin 2 -> Ground (can be shared/connected with pin 1)
Pin 3 -> 12v
Pin 43 -> K-line on your ODB cable (Pin 7)
Pin 62 -> 12v
Pin 121 -> 12v
ODBII cable pins (see attached below)
Pin 4 -> Ground
Pin 7 -> K-line on ECU (Pin 43)
Pin 16 -> 12v
Otherwise its as normal, connect the K-lines, power the 12v lines and ground the rest - I am using a bench supply set on 13.5v but an ATX psu or 12v adaptor would do the trick. I got a pair of ECU plugs and a ODB plug from a scrap car for $2, stripped out the un-necessary wires and soldered/heat shrank it together. The black wire thats coiled up is an earth with the end tinned for putting ECUs into boot mode, the bullet connector is for the ignition live, in case I need to disconnect it at any point.
When I connect without the small plug on the ECU, I get the same issues that I was having with the Tester Not Present message:
Sending start communication request.
Reading ECU flash memory.
ECU reports programming session preconditions have been met.
Negotiating communication timings.
Successfully changed to new communication timings.
Requesting security access.
ECU reports that security access is not supported.
Starting diagnostic session.
Disconnecting because no response was received for the Tester Present message.
Reading ECU flash memory failed.
When I connect up the small plug (powering up T121/121), this works fine:
Reading ECU flash memory.
ECU reports programming session preconditions have been met.
Negotiating communication timings.
Successfully changed to new communication timings.
Requesting security access.
ECU reports that security access is not supported.
Starting diagnostic session.
Successfully started diagnostic session.
Negotiating communication timings.
Successfully changed to new communication timings.
Requesting security access.
Security access granted.
Validating flash memory starts at 0x00800000 and ends at 0x00900000.
Memory layout is valid.
Starting to read data block.
Calculating flash checksum to determine if reading is necessary for range
Flash checksum matches, reading flash data is unnecessary, but reading anyway.
Requesting upload from ECU for address range 0x00800000 to 0x00803FFF.
Request upload from ECU succeeded.
Starting data transfer.
1% complete.
99% complete.
100% complete.
Data transfer complete.
Requesting data transfer exit.
Successfully exited data transfer.
Calculating flash checksum to determine if reading was successful for range
Flash checksum matches read data, reading was successful.
Saved ECU flash memory to
Reading ECU flash memory succeeded in 00
As always, the ECU needs to have the immobilizer off to bench flash over ODB with nef (or be an ECU without an immobilizer), bootmode flashing can be done using galleto/mpps without immo off. To turn the immo off use see the cluster/eeprom section.