Today I've found that on each gear ECU made AFR rich at different RPM.
2nd gear AFR perfect(~12.5 - 12.2) untill 5500rpm, then became 10
3th gear AFR perfect untill ~4500rpm
4th gear perfect untill ~4000rpm then became 10-9.6
5th gear perfect until 3000rpm then became 10-9 !!!
So on higher gear AFR is richer.
Maybe it's some protection?
I have load 12 from 2500 to 4500 and boost is nearly 1.4bar on peak and 0.8bar at 6600rpm.
Jokerr9 from my experience, readings and many information from the pros, the problem is that above 10ms of Load ECU starts to interpolate, lost resolution and things could get weird when you hit 12.75ms. Inclusive some people here have indicated that you could live around 12ms in some boost range, but you will need to tune ECU values around it for your purposes, but you could be to close to 12.75ms in some areas.
I have notice that main "LOAD" window in M38x / M592 ECU goes from 0 to 10 (that is directly controlled by MAF flow), that is same axis size that are defined around whole maps. For example I have seen in my ECU OEM map that vacuum is up to around 5ms and less and boost is 5ms and up.
Then the idea is to maintain LOAD inside working range (same as LOAD axis in related maps) as much as possible allowing proper ECU control. Also Overspeed mention in this post ( ) how LOAD range can be defined and adjusted.