Hello Guys.
I've got a "little" Problem with the Immo of my VW Polo 6N. The car itself is from 1999, I think it has Immo2 (Immo-Box under the steering-wheel).
First try to get rid of the Immo: Getting K+CAN Commander 1.4. Aftrer hours and hours of trying to get an connection, I finally could identify the ECU. The Device-Identification was:
030906027AA - MOTRONIC MP - 9.0 2155
And that was the only piece of Information I could get out of the thing... No Connection to ECU or Cluster/Immobilizer was possible due to no response from the Unit. I tried the cable on another Polo, same Problem...
So i tried with the ME7-Tool from Argdub (I thought, although its not designed for a MP9.0 maybe it works nevertheless) same thing.
Well, now I've taken the ECU with me and wanted to gather some Information about the EPROM to make a dump and turn the Immo off.
The problem here is, that I don't find anything about the EPROM on the net. Normally if you type some of the characters on semiconductors into google, you instantly get a datasheet. Not here. I found on an different page, that the MP9.0 should have an EPROM of the type 27C512, is that true? I'll attach a picture of the opened ECU.
Would be great if you guys could give me some hints about my issues, or if there's an easier option to turn off the Immo (maybe by OBD2, as i wanted to do with K+CAN Commander).
Thank you guys.
(I hope, my english is not too bad