I'm writing to aks if it is normal that "checksums are waiting (74 checksums)" in Winols while me7sum shows "found 70 checksums in .bin".
Besides ME7Check found 1 error, but me7sum gives info: "*** DONE! 5/5 error(s) in .bin corrected..."
From the begining:
I've open stock .bin in Winols ("74 checksums waiting").
Then edited .bin in WinOLS without checksum errors, export it, but after reopening it there is an error in winols:
and next window with info about 73 not 74 checksums:
I flashed it to ecu (I know, idiot...) and after a few runs engine won't start. I read eeprom, removed death code, wrote it in eeprom back, and now I just want to be sure that .bin corrected in me7sum is safe and I can flash it.
That's why I'm asking about these differences between winols, me7check and me7sum.
I also added attachment with modified and checked file and ori. Will be grateful if someone could confirm that this file is good.
BTW. I am amazed at how many useful things I can find on this forum.