you dont need to tune kfzwop but you can. with e85 a really simple way to make your timing maps is to basically drop the optimal maps into the kfzw/2. increasing kfzwop has advantages. however, as I said before, seems like he has interventions.
Yep, one thing at a time.
1) get a normal tune running w/o interventions with a normal KFMIOP/2 and a conservative KFZW/2
2) slowly bring KFZW/2 up to IOP/2 until you see knock (if any). If you see knock, you're done. NEVER exceed IOP/2 in KFZW/2
3) slowly bring up IOP/2 and KFZW/2 in tandem until you lose power (assuming NO knock) on a dyno.
If you don't have a dyno, don't fuck with IOP/2, imo