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Author Topic: 95040 Checksum help  (Read 5572 times)

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« on: August 12, 2015, 10:55:50 AM »

Hello everyone and thanks in advance for any help given.

I recently bought an Audi Allroad 2.7t 2001 model that had been sitting for a while with a flat battery, I replaced the battery and started it but the immobiliser light never stopped flashing and the car cut out after about a second.

For some unknown reason I cannot read the car via the OBD port with any software/cable that I have, I have however removed the ECU (4z7907551d) Bosch ME7.1 and read the 95040 chip using the software from this website.

Another complication is that the instrument cluster is faulty and I cannot read it either.

I have modified the 95040 binary file so i think that it will now not look for immobiliser but have not yet written it back to the ECU as checksums are not something that I understand despite having read lots about them.

Could someone please have a look at the files and help me correct the checksum ( that's if it needs correcting )

Many thanks.


Hero Member

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« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2015, 12:03:06 AM »
Hero Member

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« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2015, 12:18:59 AM »

Anything you do on the page must be reflected in the checksum. Fixed file attached Smiley

Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets the opportunity to learn from your experience!

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« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2015, 03:22:30 AM »

I can see the difference in the files now.

Thanks so much for helping. I didn't pick asking for help as the easy option, I just couldn't get my head around it.

Just got to get the ECU into bootmode and flash it back now.

Once again thanks for helping.
Hero Member

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« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2015, 03:32:47 AM »

No worries Smiley

Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets the opportunity to learn from your experience!

Email/Google chat:


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« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2015, 09:22:49 AM »

After a few attempts at getting the ECU into bootmode I was able to write the bin file back to the ECU. I then read it again to make sure it looked correct, took it outside and plugged it back in to the car. Then started the car and woohoo it stayed running.

Thanks for helping me, I now.Have a better understanding of hex code and more importantly have a car that runs.

Hero Member

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« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2015, 03:23:55 PM »

Nice one Smiley don't be afraid to ask for help, we all have to learn. Note that checksums for the 95040 eeprom are very simple (although I still have to look it up every time), but the checksums for the flash are much more complicated, hence nyet's tool
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