« Reply #45 on: June 27, 2011, 12:32:40 PM »
Just want to inform you all, that it is indeed possible. Tho we need to invest in a tool.
My own experience tells me that VAG ECU TOOL works (cheap vagdashcom clone)
I've read with success, full eeproms from ME7.5.x with it.
When writing it back, on the workbench (benchflashcable) it doesn't play. Perhaps it's the active immo, blocking it... ?
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« Reply #46 on: June 27, 2011, 01:52:07 PM »
Just want to inform you all, that it is indeed possible. Tho we need to invest in a tool.
My own experience tells me that VAG ECU TOOL works (cheap vagdashcom clone)
I've read with success, full eeproms from ME7.5.x with it.
When writing it back, on the workbench (benchflashcable) it doesn't play. Perhaps it's the active immo, blocking it... ?
hello yes a friend tell me that this tool should work !! i need only to read and save !! i chipped many cars but i never had problems with cheskumm error !! i will only have the org eeprom from the ecu for security !! i know a tool that can read and write the me7.5 ecu eeprom its from frieling racing i think it is possible to read and write but we need the right tool !!
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Leon Curpa Stg1+
« Reply #47 on: June 27, 2011, 02:17:53 PM »
If you read out over OBD the dump will contain areas that are incorrect (the protected pages read as 00). Compare the EEPROM dump you get using an OBD tool with this http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php/topic,542.0.htmlSee if the overall structure looks right. I'm guessing it wont. When you program the file you dumped back using OBD, it appears to work because the same protected pages are unwritable so you don't overwrite with 00's.
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« Reply #48 on: June 27, 2011, 03:23:30 PM »
If you read out over OBD the dump will contain areas that are incorrect (the protected pages read as 00). Compare the EEPROM dump you get using an OBD tool with this http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php/topic,542.0.htmlSee if the overall structure looks right. I'm guessing it wont. When you program the file you dumped back using OBD, it appears to work because the same protected pages are unwritable so you don't overwrite with 00's. yes i belive this !! i have many eeprom dumps read with beeprog !! in the postet eeprom dump is the immo off !! i know that in my readed dump some data is missing !! i compared it with full readed dump !! but immo off is possible i tryed !! and the skc is stored !! but many data is missing !! the frieling racing tool read the eeprom complete !! but i dont know how they do it !! king regards Dobermann i
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« Reply #49 on: July 03, 2011, 01:36:31 PM »
ktech if I can...
1. for OLS300 use separate ecu only for tuning and oryginal ecu take with You on rear sitz. 2. I go down few time eeprom but NEVER when I put button RESET when software reload 3. for any and firstly custom tuning dont go road - You kill people around runing car about 200-220km/h faster then rest. 4. Cars with big turbo need long run on 4,5gear. Its much handy on stationary dyno You see any minimal change for + or for - Yours work - You dont saw this on road 5. on statnionary dyno You can use headphones to hear knocking (of course on road too ;-))
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« Reply #50 on: August 02, 2011, 04:52:50 PM »
Just want to inform you all, that it is indeed possible. Tho we need to invest in a tool.
My own experience tells me that VAG ECU TOOL works (cheap vagdashcom clone)
I've read with success, full eeproms from ME7.5.x with it.
When writing it back, on the workbench (benchflashcable) it doesn't play. Perhaps it's the active immo, blocking it... ?
you are right !! i tryed this tool now !! today i read out the eeprom from my seat leon cupra R with success !! it is the full data from the m95040 eeprom !! i can post if someone will see the result !! tomorrow i will try to wright in ecu !! i hope it works !!
« Reply #51 on: August 02, 2011, 05:02:31 PM »
Can you post a link to the adapter?
"If you have a chinese turbo, that you are worried is going to blow up when you floor it, then LOL."
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« Reply #52 on: August 11, 2011, 06:12:52 PM »
hello friends
here is a dump from a seat leon 1.8T 180 ps year 2005
readed by obd ecu tool !! this eeprom dump is ok !!
the programm worked good i have testet some cars between 2000 and 2005 me7.5
edc15 worked too !!
« Reply #53 on: August 11, 2011, 09:33:27 PM »
Are you able to write back though? Do you have a link to where you picked up this tool?
"If you have a chinese turbo, that you are worried is going to blow up when you floor it, then LOL."
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« Reply #54 on: August 21, 2011, 08:06:10 PM »
what about the APR tool, it saves the file as an IMM, but it opens with any hexeditor and appears to have the full dump. http://www.goapr.com/support/immobilizer.htmlhad to dig out the old serial port though. (note that this timed out when in the car, but read from the bench)
02 TT tdi (BEW) 2005 allroad 2.7tM (BEL)
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« Reply #55 on: August 23, 2011, 07:15:03 AM »
what about the APR tool, it saves the file as an IMM, but it opens with any hexeditor and appears to have the full dump. http://www.goapr.com/support/immobilizer.htmlhad to dig out the old serial port though. (note that this timed out when in the car, but read from the bench) i have this soft !!! i will try if it works !!! witch cable is used ?? normal KKL i think ??
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« Reply #56 on: August 23, 2011, 10:48:45 AM »
I used an old serial vag-com generic cable. I have not tried to write yet with this software though. But it did appear to read.
02 TT tdi (BEW) 2005 allroad 2.7tM (BEL)
« Reply #57 on: August 23, 2011, 09:16:39 PM »
Hey ta, what do you mean by "timed out". Also, from reading that link it does not look like it will write unless it see's APR code either in the eeprom or the 800bb?
"If you have a chinese turbo, that you are worried is going to blow up when you floor it, then LOL."
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« Reply #58 on: August 30, 2011, 10:31:48 AM »
I used an old serial vag-com generic cable. I have not tried to write yet with this software though. But it did appear to read.
hello i tryed the apr soft !! read is possible but the data from the apr file is not useable !! it is a APR Code inside the data !! this tool is for read the immo data and write this data back into APR ECU my ecu tool read/write the eeporm complete i tryed it on my cupra R the apr tool is good for clear the DTC data in the eeprom !! i had 2 DTCs in the eeprom !! with the apr soft you can read and cear it !! did someone know exactly what data is in the eeprom stored i know many about it but not all !! PIN code is inside WSC DTCs (Trouble code area) adaptions checksumm the eeprom changed the data if i drive a round !! i read it again and some data is changed !!
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« Reply #59 on: September 07, 2011, 01:56:16 AM »
the eeprom changed the data if i drive a round !!
i read it again and some data is changed !!
At 0x0112 - 0x0115 a four byte seed value (pseudo random number) is stored. This is updated and written to the EEPROM at each startup of the ecu. It gets used during authentication with the immobilizer.