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Author Topic: ME7.5 Eeprom read and write  (Read 106400 times)
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« Reply #60 on: September 15, 2011, 07:51:59 AM »

I bought a cable of VAG K+CAN Commander 3.6 to read the PIN code of IMMO 3 in ECU, 06A 906 032HA. However, a technician tell me that the software may make my eeprom of ME7.5 corrupted even during reading the eeprom mode. Is it true? I also buy a brand new ME7.5, 06A 906 032QJ, which I want to newly install in my car for backup and start tuning the old ECU, I need to read the pin code in old ECU then adapt the new ECU into my car.
Should I trust the techinican or the VAG K+CAN Commander 3.6? I think only reading the ECU may not cause any bad damage to EEPROM, but I am not sure. Please kindly advise your opinion.
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« Reply #61 on: September 15, 2011, 09:18:24 AM »


"I bought a cable of VAG K+CAN Commander 3.6 to read the PIN code of IMMO 3 in ECU, 06A 906 032HA. However, a technician tell me that the software may make my eeprom of ME7.5 corrupted even during reading the eeprom mode. Is it true?"

I find it very hard to believe a 'technician' which isn't furthermore defined as of which background he has, and knowledge of your specific ecu, to believe.

Especially the tech-support from chinese clone-cable-sellers. Not to mix-up with the
real product-seller of the vag commander (

In the meantime the product has evolved to version 7.1, so there was some development
and bugfixing going on (

According to the web, all versions have bugs. Thats normal for this kinda product. It is
very special and has functions, normal vag workshops cannot do to the range of cars.
Therefore, you always run a risk.

In your situation, you've obtained a cloned product (i will try to also get my hands on one, to test the functionality). So therefore you firstly have to check-out functionality on the workbench with a SPARE ecu.

Build a benchflash-cable, or buy one, and connect the vagcommander clone to it, to see if it
is able to connect and read-out correctly the eeprom. If you need help with this, p.m. me, and i'l get you going.

Post pics and screenshots over here, so all can benefit from your efford.

Don't worry for the moment, as you have the spare-ecu to test on. DO NOT start with
your current WORKING car's ecu to test on. As you may risk the thing the 'technician' said, and corrupt something.

I love to minimise risk and maximise stability. Always be sure, you do stuff on cars, with a fully charged battery, a battery-charger hooked-up to it, chargeing it, and disconnect the radiator's fan's connectors to minimise drain when they suddenly kick-in (this is possible).


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« Reply #62 on: September 23, 2011, 07:56:20 PM »


just for info !!

i have the vag commander 3.6 too

that tool reads NOT the full eeprom !! some data is missing !!

you can only get the pin code and the immo on/off

you can not clone a ecu with this readed file !!

and only with reading you can not damage a ecu for sure !! and is something go wrong by writing a me7 ecu the ecu can be repaired thats no problem  !!

the most problem is error in the flash file checksumm error !! than you have a error in the eeprom but its no problem too to repair !!

best regards !!

« Last Edit: September 23, 2011, 08:04:27 PM by Dobermann » Logged
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« Reply #63 on: September 26, 2011, 07:43:12 AM »

Yes, I got my login code of ECU through bench harness with k-line.

Thanks everybody.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2011, 05:20:07 AM by chienliu1972 » Logged
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« Reply #64 on: October 13, 2011, 08:40:48 PM »

Just want to inform you all, that it is indeed possible.
Tho we need to invest in a tool.

My own experience tells me that VAG ECU TOOL works (cheap vagdashcom clone)

I've read with success, full eeproms from ME7.5.x with it.

When writing it back, on the workbench (benchflashcable) it doesn't play.
Perhaps it's the active immo, blocking it...  ?




i tryed it too with benchflashing !! it will not work !! reading no problem !!! but on bench write is not possible  !!

i dont know why !!!!

maybe somethink blocks the writing process !!

but reading is always working !!

over OBD i can write it back into serial eeprom !!

maybe someone knows more about that !!!

best regards

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« Reply #65 on: October 15, 2011, 08:42:52 AM »


maybe i know why write will not work on benchflashing with the ecu tool

if the the ecu tool write into the ram and not direkt into eeprom 95040 the data will only write back into the eeprom if the ignition is turn off !! but we can not simulate ignition off with benchflashing !!

what happen if the ecu is pluged in the car and i turn off the ignition !! did the ecu have 12V or not Huh maybe the ecu have 12 volt but on a another pin !!

did someone know Huh

maybe we get it to work on benchflashig !! ??

best regards 

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« Reply #66 on: October 16, 2011, 06:37:02 AM »


maybe i know why write will not work on benchflashing with the ecu tool

if the the ecu tool write into the ram and not direkt into eeprom 95040 the data will only write back into the eeprom if the ignition is turn off !! but we can not simulate ignition off with benchflashing !!

what happen if the ecu is pluged in the car and i turn off the ignition !! did the ecu have 12V or not Huh maybe the ecu have 12 volt but on a another pin !!

Completely wrong.
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« Reply #67 on: October 16, 2011, 06:51:02 AM »

Completely wrong.

Please explain why?
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« Reply #68 on: October 17, 2011, 07:55:46 AM »


maybe i know why write will not work on benchflashing with the ecu tool
if the the ecu tool write into the ram and not direkt into eeprom 95040 the data will only write back into the eeprom if the ignition is turn off !!
That is correct, if your ecu tool writes only into RAM, it's not updated in the EEPROM before
turning off the ignition.

but we can not simulate ignition off with benchflashing !!
You can simulate ignition off on the bench.

what happen if the ecu is pluged in the car and i turn off the ignition !! did the ecu have 12V or not Huh maybe the ecu have 12 volt but on a another pin !!
did someone know Huh
maybe we get it to work on benchflashig !! ??
best regards 

The ecu is connected to battery terminal 30 (Klemme 30) on some pins (e.g. pin 62),
these have always +12V, even when turning off the ignition.
Then there is pin 3, connected to terminal 15 (Klemme 15), which has only +12V
while ignition is on.
You can simulate ignition on and off on the bench if you connect pin 3 via a switch
to the power supply while connecting the other supply pins directly to the power supply:
Keep the switch open, then turn on the power supply -> same as connecting battery in car.
Turn on the switch -> ignition on
Turn off the switch -> ignition off (ecu still will run for some time until turning off itself)
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« Reply #69 on: October 17, 2011, 10:24:26 AM »

Setzi is correct!

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« Reply #70 on: October 17, 2011, 10:39:43 AM »

I'll try again sometime soon but I remember trying everything possible and ME7 will not write to the eeprom on the bench. Does it just fine in any car.
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« Reply #71 on: October 17, 2011, 11:56:42 AM »


maybe i know why write will not work on benchflashing with the ecu tool

if the the ecu tool write into the ram and not direkt into eeprom 95040 the data will only write back into the eeprom if the ignition is turn off !! but we can not simulate ignition off with benchflashing !!

what happen if the ecu is pluged in the car and i turn off the ignition !! did the ecu have 12V or not Huh maybe the ecu have 12 volt but on a another pin !!

Completely wrong.

this is not wrong !! im sure !!

the tool writes only in ram and if i turn off ignition if the ecu is pluged in than will ram write back into eeprom 95040 !!

that is the trick with benchflashing !! we musst simulate ignition on/off

i will try this !! and report !!
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« Reply #72 on: October 17, 2011, 12:06:35 PM »


maybe i know why write will not work on benchflashing with the ecu tool
if the the ecu tool write into the ram and not direkt into eeprom 95040 the data will only write back into the eeprom if the ignition is turn off !!
That is correct, if your ecu tool writes only into RAM, it's not updated in the EEPROM before
turning off the ignition.

but we can not simulate ignition off with benchflashing !!
You can simulate ignition off on the bench.

what happen if the ecu is pluged in the car and i turn off the ignition !! did the ecu have 12V or not Huh maybe the ecu have 12 volt but on a another pin !!
did someone know Huh
maybe we get it to work on benchflashig !! ??
best regards 

The ecu is connected to battery terminal 30 (Klemme 30) on some pins (e.g. pin 62),
these have always +12V, even when turning off the ignition.
Then there is pin 3, connected to terminal 15 (Klemme 15), which has only +12V
while ignition is on.
You can simulate ignition on and off on the bench if you connect pin 3 via a switch
to the power supply while connecting the other supply pins directly to the power supply:
Keep the switch open, then turn on the power supply -> same as connecting battery in car.
Turn on the switch -> ignition on
Turn off the switch -> ignition off (ecu still will run for some time until turning off itself)

ok i hope i understand right !!

i have a ready benshflashing cable !! i must test if on the pin 3 from the ecu are 12+

than i must make a switch with pin 3 from the ecu to give on pin 3 12+ and if i turn of the switch on pin 3 0 volt

that simulate ignition on/off Huh

im right Huh

i can open my cable and make a switch on pin 3 from ecu !! easy to say i must write into ram and if ask me the software turn ignition off i must switch off pin 3 !!!

thats it !!

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« Reply #73 on: October 17, 2011, 02:50:27 PM »


maybe i know why write will not work on benchflashing with the ecu tool
if the the ecu tool write into the ram and not direkt into eeprom 95040 the data will only write back into the eeprom if the ignition is turn off !!
That is correct, if your ecu tool writes only into RAM, it's not updated in the EEPROM before
turning off the ignition.

but we can not simulate ignition off with benchflashing !!
You can simulate ignition off on the bench.

what happen if the ecu is pluged in the car and i turn off the ignition !! did the ecu have 12V or not Huh maybe the ecu have 12 volt but on a another pin !!
did someone know Huh
maybe we get it to work on benchflashig !! ??
best regards 

The ecu is connected to battery terminal 30 (Klemme 30) on some pins (e.g. pin 62),
these have always +12V, even when turning off the ignition.
Then there is pin 3, connected to terminal 15 (Klemme 15), which has only +12V
while ignition is on.
You can simulate ignition on and off on the bench if you connect pin 3 via a switch
to the power supply while connecting the other supply pins directly to the power supply:
Keep the switch open, then turn on the power supply -> same as connecting battery in car.
Turn on the switch -> ignition on
Turn off the switch -> ignition off (ecu still will run for some time until turning off itself)

are you sure it is pin 3 from the ecu Huh

please look at the pic
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« Reply #74 on: October 19, 2011, 05:05:00 AM »

are you sure it is pin 3 from the ecu Huh

please look at the pic

No, it is not pin3 for the ECU connector from your picture!
It is pin3  for the connector metioned here:

The ignition is on terminal 15 as I stated previously.
So for the connector on your picture temrinal 15 (ignition) is "T1-Pin 15"
and terminal 30 (battery) is on "T1-Pin 27".
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