OK, I think your description was enough of a kick in the butt to jar some brain cells loose and get this to click for me

I'll use the values straight from the fr here to keep things consistent.
Will also make some of the other numbers up to keep the math easy.
Say we are at a pedal pos that req's a pr that puts us on a cell in KFVPDKS that is .95, and at 60% throttle (WDKUGDN at that rpm?).
The .95 in KFVPDKS being <= to PSPVDKUG(.95) means that the turbos can make the req pr on wg psi without any help from the n75.
I think the throttle will be at WDKUGDN here with no reason to open it anymore because it is not a restriction at this angle. It is allowing it to give everything it can on wg psi. (.95 is actually right where the throttle changes strategies, but the formula for the new strategy cancels itself out at this point)
Now, say we give a little more pedal, move to a higher req pr, and land on a .98 cell in KFVPDKS.
To make this new req pr (that is now above wg psi), the ecu needs to start feeding wgdc.
The throttle also needs to open a little more to stay out of the way of the increased amount of incoming air. That formula is how it does this smoothly on its way to 100%.
This is how it works, or at least my best guess anyway

We were at 60% throttle. That leaves 40% remaining (on its way to 100%) as the Residual Throttle Value.
With the formula (
.98-.95)/(1-.95), we get .6 (or 60%).
60% of our Residual Throttle Value (40%), is 24%.
Now we add that 24% to our original throttle value of 60% (WDKUGDN?), for a new target throttle of 84%