Doesn't necessarily mean the RAM location isn't in use.... It may only be sampled by me7logger in a way that doesn't show if it changes
yep you are right, i jumped from 8be70, maybe ori bosch code used this variable before my jump (0->1->0) or me7logger is not able to show changes because of sample rate. But we are still talking about fd44.10 bit which nobody doesn't know what is this but someone use it:)
...anyway i am still trying to proper inject into evz_austot but unsuccessfully:
Seg0x21d@874000:5948 loc_875948: ; CODE XREF: sub_8758E8+58j
Seg0x21d@874000:5948 F3 F8 7C 8A movb rl4, byte_380A7C
Seg0x21d@874000:594C F7 F8 9F 8A movb evz_austot, rl4
changed F7 F8 9F 8A => to DA 8C 00 03
code placed at C0300 returning:
mov rl4, #0x01
mov r4, [r0+]
..have to analyze with IDA deeply...