Shure, all one needs to do is tweak C_CONF_CAT in the tune section.
As your softwareversion is MS430066, C_CONF_CAT is located at 0x0B21. Your file has value "04" at that position and depending on what you wanna acchieve, you want to change it to different value. If i get you correctly, you would be fine with one single pre-cat sensor? So change "04" to "00" and reset adaptations within INPA.
Don´t forget to recalculate checksum after changing that byte.
are you sure this location is correct?
also, can you confirm c_conf starts @ 0xB1E > 0xB32?
and are labeled in this order:
Configuration AntiJerk MAF
Configuration BrakeTestSwitch
Configuration CAN Bus CAL
Configuration Catalytic System
Configuration Alternator Current
Configuration CruiseControl Main Switch
Configuration DiagnosticModuleTankLeakage
Configuration EngineCoolantFan
Configuration ExhaustFlap
Configuration EOBD
Configuration SecondaryAirValve Lambdadiagnose
Configuration MalfunctionIndicatorLamp
Configuration MalfunctionIndicatorLamp EU2
Configuration engine speed hysteresis for fuel cut-off
Configuration engine speed hysteresis for fuel cut-off, drive engaged
Configuration SecondaryAirPump
Configuration SecondaryAirValve diagnose
Configuration Coolanttemp ex-sensor
Configuration ExhaustGasTemperature
Configuration Pre-Injection end
Configuration TorqueLimiter gear-based