Starting to look at adding some fuel ready for adding some load. I've been trying to understand what and when the ECU does to control fuelling.
So LAMFA seems to match with my logs (all good here) around 14.7 most of the table and slightly lower in the higher rpm/load areas which makes total sense. I now understand that TABGBTS is the temp at which BTS table is used. My ori file is set at 400 deg, no issues with undertsanding that (unless im wrong and someone can correct).
Where im confused is wit FBSTABGM thetable looks as follows 900C (0) 920C (0.5) 940C (1) and follows on from this allowing BTS to be active after 940C. The 0.5 at 920C is confusing me, does this mean that each value in the BTS table is multiplied by 0.5 at 920C?
If this is the case the whole table would be very rich
. Hoping someone could clear up what the relationship between FBSTABGM and BTS is so i can start on my quest for more power