You're wrong. Not surprising if you use ecm titanium lol.
Here is how it actually works:
1. EGT sensors are used only in the ATR module, which is a closed loop controller. The target is a fixed "never exceed" value. The feedback comes from the EGT sensors. The control parameter is lambda. The more EGT, the lower the lambda is driven, to control the EGT. BTS runs off of simulated EGT's that has no connection to EGT sensors whatsoever.
2. When you disable diagnosis, what happens is, when the EGT sensor errors out, the value momentarily jumps to maximum 1000+C and ATR will fully enrich down to the flammability limit. It will not recognize it as a fault condition and just drive lambda into the ground.
Thus the car will intermittently puff black smoke at totally random times and bog due to the super rich lamdba.
I use Titanium because I bought it as a package with Kess V2. I don't only or always use it, and I'd love to buy winols.
This I did in hex.
But since I don't know how to find maps and make def files yet, its nice to be able to shoot an email off to italy and have a definition by 1 AM. I have lot to learn still. I don';t have nearly as many issues as a lot of people on here claim to have, mot sure if its because people are using the pirated version or what.
That being said, I did exactly what I've described, my friend is an Audi Master Tech, it's not doing anything you're saying. Fuel trims are fine, AFR is fine, no black smoke, zero faults.
I understand how the EGT work for the most part, and yes what Ive done it will make it wrong wrong if they wig out while driving, but these aren't doing that.
So yes, I understand that the vehicle runs off the lambda and EGT and then when the narrowband EGT exceeds the EGT limit then it richens the fuel map to get the EGT down. So I fully understand what I did, which is, I told the car I don't care what you think abouyt the sensors, and their resistance or their value its outputting just take it at face value.
I realize that Titanium has its share of bad reviews and isn't as advanced, but I've had no problems tuning a lot of cars with it. I certainly have FAR fewer problems than I ever had tuning with any of the companies I used to pay 400+ dollars to for their over conservative tunes. I really don't know why titanium gets the rap it gets from people. I use a combination of things, and Id love OLS, but I really like not having to do any checksum calculations, and I like their customer service, they handle the more technical things I don't understand and leave me with the maps to mess around with while I learn the more advanced stuff you guys can do with ols. For now, this makes does what I need it to, and anything else I use tunerpro or a hex editor.