Hi folks.
I'm just updating my "Understanding TT 1.8T remapping guide" to reflect recent discussions on KRKTE & particularly KFMIRL/KFMIOP plus some minor editorial updates, corrections, etc. when I came across a possible issue/lack of understanding with respect to LDRXN & LDRXNZK. I'm looking for some assistance in getting to the bottom of it.
I compared LDRXN with LDRXNZK for both BAM & BFV engines and was expecting (perhaps naively) to find LDRXNZK significantly lower across the board. Indeed, a quick look at
funktionsrahmen module LDRLMX 3.100 which I have yet to translate confirms: "LDRXNZK: about 15% less than LDRXN". However, this is not the case in either tune. See table below which probably won't render neatly, so jpeg screen capture attached. BAM (225 PS) on the left, BFV (240 PS) on the right.
1000 97.0 97.0 99.0 99.0
1720 128.1 128.1 129.8 129.8
2000 139.9 140.6 148.5 148.5
2100 143.6 147.4 154.5 154.5
2200 145.6 146.7 160.5 155.3
2520 148.5 140.8 176.3 166.5
3000 148.2 138.3 176.3 166.5
3520 146.5 140.9 176.3 166.5
4000 148.2 144.0 182.3 166.5
4520 159.4 151.8 188.3 177.0
5000 160.2 151.7 183.0 185.3
5520 157.7 157.7 168.8 171.8
5900 155.8 155.3 162.0 168.8
6000 153.2 153.0 153.8 160.5
6400 142.3 142.3 141.0 148.5
So they look to me to be about the same up to maybe 2,300 rpm, then LDRXNZK is
bigger until 5,300 rpm then smaller, but not by 15%. What is going on? Is it perhaps something simple such as the labelling information has been inadvertently or deliberately swapped around in the BAM engine DAMOS I've got, or is there a more subtle interpretation that I am missing?
Any thoughts, theories, information and even peripheral discussion would be greatly received.