Setpoint for air mass from the desired torque (MDFUE)

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This is a translation from the Funktionsrahmen

MDFUE abbreviations

Parameter Source-X Source-Y Type Designation
CWRLAPPL FW Code word input rlsol_w during application phase
FRLMNHO FHO KL Correction factor rlmin of the amount
FWPEDRLS FW Factor for direct rlsol-entry from wped (Application)
KFMIRL NMOT_W MISOPL1_W KF Map for calculating desired charge
KFRLMN NMOT TMOT KF minimum charge in the fired operation
KFRLMNSA NMOT TMOT KF minimum rl with overrun fuel cut
RLSOLAP FW Nominal charge for administration purposes
ZKDRLSOL FW time constant for drlsol-integrator
Variable Source Type Designation
B_MDMIN MDFUE AUS Condition minimum attainable indexed torque achieved
B_SA MDRED EIN Condition Overrun fuel cut
C_INI EIN SG-condition initialization
DRLSOLF_W MDFUE AUS filtered change desired charge
DRLSOL_W MDFUE AUS Change desired charge
ETALAB MDBAS EIN Lambda efficiency without intervention, based on optimum torque at lambda = 1
ETAZWBM MDBAS EIN averaged ignition angle of the basic ignition angle
FHO GGDSAS EIN Height correction factor
MILSOL_W MDKOL EIN Driver torque request for filling
MISOPL1_W MDFUE LOK Target air torque, calculated back to lambda = 1 and zwopt
RLMAX_W LDRUE EIN maximum possible load, for Turbo
RLMIN_W MDFUE AUS minimally acceptable rl
RLSOL_W MDFUE AUS Nominal charge
RLTEDTE_W DTEV EIN From DTEV relative charge calculated on the tank vent valve
R_T10 EIN Time frame 10ms
SY_TURBO PROKONAL EIN Turbocharger system constant
TMOT GGTFM EIN Motor temperature
WPED_W GGPED EIN Normalized accelerator pedal angle

MDFUE Function Description

The torque msol_w that is to be set on the charge path at base ignition and base efficiency is translated, in torque misopl1_w, which corresponds to the optimum torque for lambda = 1. With the help of the characteristic map KFMIRL obtain the charge, which is part of this operating point.

This charge is limited to the minimum permissible value rlmin_w, in this case, the idle speed control, the Condition B_mdmin set, which then stops the integrator. In the case of a turbocharger is a limit to the maximum permissible charge rlmax_w. Naturally aspirated engines that size does not exist!

Result ones their desired charge rlsol_w.

Addition of application-interface:

CWRLAPPL = 0:     fct. as before: rlsol generated from the limited KFMIRL.
CWRLAPPL.1    =1: rlsol_w = RLSOLAP
CWRLAPPL.2    =1: rlsol_w = wped_w * FWPEDRLS

MDFUE Application Notes

The map KFMIRL is inverse to the map KFMIOP in the section %MDBAS. Application information %MDBAS.

Special thanks to phila_dot for translating this section.

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