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Author Topic: Audi A4 1.8T 2004 BEX - 8E0909518AS - Unable to read flash from ECU.  (Read 13665 times)
Jr. Member

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Apologies if this is the wrong sub, I thought if it was a NefMoto software issue then it may be best here!

I have an FTDI cable from eBay and it works fine with VCDS and NefMoto for reading ECU info and reading/clearing DTCs.

I believe it is the 8E0909518AS based off my screenshot of 'Read ECU Info' but please correct me if wrong so I know which number to look for in future!

When trying to do a Full Read Flash I'm encountering a 'security access is not granted' error. This is whilst the ecu is in the original car, with clocks etc. Completely stock vehicle runs and drives currently.

24/Sep/2021 06:36:17.640: LOG: Received negative response for service ID: RequestUpload, with response code: SecurityAccessDenied_SecurityAccessRequested
24/Sep/2021 06:36:17.640: USER: Validation failed, ECU reports that security access is not granted.

I have managed to find a few other posts saying that a model number similar this is problematic, and people using older versions of nefmoto with success? Not sure on that though and haven't tried that so far. I have attached the log albeit it is rather large, it has a few attempts of me trying to read the data, switching baud rate and the Memory Layout (can't say i have tried them all, Although I have seen someone say 29F800BT worked for them). Hopefully I can try a few suggestions from you chaps before pulling out the ecu and trying bootmode etc (this is all new to me, but I'm reading as fast as i can haha!)

Only reason I'm wanting to try read this is to try log some data with VisualME7Logger but i believe i need the ecu bin file first? the vehicle is dog slow and I have a feeling it is due to something similar to this post:
Hero Member

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« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2021, 05:57:55 PM »

You only need a stock bin to find locations

ME7.1 tuning guide (READ FIRST)
ECUx Plot
ME7Sum checksum checker/corrrector for ME7.x

Please do not ask me for tunes. I'm here to help people make their own.

Do not PM me technical questions! Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets the opportunity to learn from your experience.
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« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2021, 11:31:49 PM »

MPPS clone can read your ECU
Jr. Member

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« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2021, 02:52:24 AM »

You only need a stock bin to find locations

To be honest I've done a search on here for that same ECU code, but there isn't really that many posts for it! I wasn't sure if there was other ones that were compatible, but even if I manage to find a compatible stock bin, I still won't be able to use the logger with my current issues anyway will I? Or does that just use the usual obd diagnostic protocol?
Jr. Member

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« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2021, 02:53:46 AM »

MPPS clone can read your ECU

Is that with the ecu on the bench in bootmode or will the MPPS clone be able to read it in situ via obd? Is this compatible with Nefmoto Flasher? I'll do some research now as I haven't got as far as bootmode flashing yet, the physical side is no issue, just unsure on compatible devices/software etc.
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« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2021, 03:38:53 AM »

Is that with the ecu on the bench in bootmode or will the MPPS clone be able to read it in situ via obd? Is this compatible with Nefmoto Flasher? I'll do some research now as I haven't got as far as bootmode flashing yet, the physical side is no issue, just unsure on compatible devices/software etc.

Through OBD, honestly MPPS is just straight up better, flashed and read my ecus over 100+ times by now probably with no issues.
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« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2021, 09:36:51 AM »

Through OBD, honestly MPPS is just straight up better, flashed and read my ecus over 100+ times by now probably with no issues.

I will look into it, it's probably the only Audi I will ever purchase, and can't imagine keeping it for very long so don't really want to invest in any expensive cables. Nefmoto was attractive because it's free and generic cables can be had cheap. Wouldn't want to get Boo'd by people and not given support by chaps on here etc if I purchased an MPPS clone.
Jr. Member

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« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2021, 10:58:28 AM »

Managed to finally start to get an initial read from the ecu.

Set memory layout to ME7 29F800BT.MemoryLayout

Ticked the last 2 boxes in KWP2000 settings for Security Use Extended Seed Request and Security Support Special Key as I found a post mentioning this.

Slow init connect initially on 38k or 52k baud(cant remember specifically) lowered to 9600 and then did a full read flash.

The read got to 3% and then failed, the car now has a P0602 Status: 0x68 Control Module Programming Error/Malfunction DTC.

After this the car no longer starts but i can still connect, read/clear dtcs but when trying to read ecu flash again I'm just getting security errors again.

I have found the following posts which seem to have solutions to the problem, even listing the same ecu number of '8E0909518AS' by the looks of it, but this fix requires modifying the original bin and reflashing it, but i can't get a good 100% read from the ecu and dont seem to be able to find a matching original bin file. Not sure if i should just keep spamming it trying to get a full read or if it will cause more harm...

This chap seemed to fix the problem, but the fixed bin was from a me7.1.1 and i'm not sure what version ecu i have. I need to pull it out and check really but its a bit too late atm to start.

25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.552: USER: Successfully changed to new communication timings.
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.552: USER: Requesting security access.
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.555: LOG: Sent message with service ID SecurityAccess
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.595: LOG: Received message with service ID: SecurityAccessPositiveResponse
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.596: LOG: Received security seed, sending security key.
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.599: LOG: Sent message with service ID SecurityAccess
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.627: LOG: Received message with service ID: SecurityAccessPositiveResponse
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.628: USER: Security access granted.
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.628: USER: Validating flash memory starts at 0x00800000 and ends at 0x00900000.
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.631: LOG: Sent message with service ID RequestUpload
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.662: LOG: Received message with service ID: RequestUploadPositiveResponse
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.663: LOG: Flash start and end addresses are valid.
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.665: LOG: Sent message with service ID RequestUpload
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.692: LOG: Received message with service ID: NegativeResponse
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.692: LOG: Received negative response for service ID: RequestUpload, with response code: CanNotUploadFromSpecifiedAddress
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.692: LOG: Flash start address is the lowest address.
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.695: LOG: Sent message with service ID RequestUpload
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.722: LOG: Received message with service ID: NegativeResponse
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.722: LOG: Received negative response for service ID: RequestUpload, with response code: CanNotUploadNumberOfBytesRequested
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.722: LOG: Flash end address is the highest address.
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.722: LOG: Flash memory addresses are valid.
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.723: USER: Memory layout is valid.
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.723: USER: Starting to read data block.
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.723: USER: Requesting upload from ECU for address range 0x00800000 to 0x0080FFFF.
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.725: LOG: Sent message with service ID RequestUpload
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.752: LOG: Received message with service ID: RequestUploadPositiveResponse
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.752: USER: Request upload from ECU succeeded.
25/Sep/2021 06:16:04.754: USER: Starting data transfer.

Jr. Member

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« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2021, 10:59:37 AM »

Forgot to attach new log from Today.
Hero Member

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« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2021, 11:09:07 AM »

memory layout is bb not bt. Ecu is stuck in programming mode, sometimes you can write the original file back and it will clear the issue. Otherwise youll need to patch the file to fix the problem or flash another software version that doesnt have this issue.

If you are in the market for a tune and would like the ease of downloading and flashing a dyno tested tune for a fair price check out
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« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2021, 11:14:53 AM »

Here is the entire thread on this

If you are in the market for a tune and would like the ease of downloading and flashing a dyno tested tune for a fair price check out
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« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2021, 11:32:28 AM »

Hi Marty, I've read through this but all I have tried to do so far is just read the original bin file from the ECU as I don't currently have one. I'm not trying to modify anything yet so far. I will happily make the changes made in that post and reflash once i can get the original bin off there, but until i manage to get a 100% read, i wouldn't even want to try doing a write with someone else's bin.

I cant seem to find much info on this software version 8E0909518AS, and i am unsure of other compatible versions. Is there specific limitations to cross flashing, or is it just what is tried and tested before?

Using BB i always got the 'memory layout validation failed', but with BT i have managed to get a 3% read so far... Should i go back to trying to get BB working, different baud rates maybe?
Jr. Member

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« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2021, 11:51:51 AM »

Couldn't resist, went out again and tried to read a few more times with BB, even tried to downgrade to NM Flasher which someone said they had success with, however still no luck.

I just constantly get the following no matter what i try.

25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.654: USER: Requesting security access.
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.657: LOG: Sent message with service ID SecurityAccess
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.675: LOG: Received message with service ID SecurityAccessPositiveResponse
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.675: USER: Security access granted.
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.675: USER: Validating flash memory starts at 0x00800000 and ends at 0x00900000.
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.678: LOG: Sent message with service ID RequestUpload
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.694: LOG: Received message with service ID NegativeResponse
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.694: LOG: Received negative response for service ID: RequestUpload, with response code: SecurityAccessDenied_SecurityAccessRequested
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.694: USER: Validation failed, ECU reports that security access is not granted.
Hero Member

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« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2021, 12:03:41 PM »

Couldn't resist, went out again and tried to read a few more times with BB, even tried to downgrade to NM Flasher which someone said they had success with, however still no luck.

I just constantly get the following no matter what i try.

25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.654: USER: Requesting security access.
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.657: LOG: Sent message with service ID SecurityAccess
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.675: LOG: Received message with service ID SecurityAccessPositiveResponse
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.675: USER: Security access granted.
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.675: USER: Validating flash memory starts at 0x00800000 and ends at 0x00900000.
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.678: LOG: Sent message with service ID RequestUpload
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.694: LOG: Received message with service ID NegativeResponse
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.694: LOG: Received negative response for service ID: RequestUpload, with response code: SecurityAccessDenied_SecurityAccessRequested
25/Sep/2021 07:45:26.694: USER: Validation failed, ECU reports that security access is not granted.
If the ecu was previously tuned you wont be able to get a read off of it if the tuner locked it. Really your options at this point are to find another original file to try and write back or use some other higher level flashing tools and or bootmode flash it with another file. If you have teamviewer I may be able to help get you back up and going 

If you are in the market for a tune and would like the ease of downloading and flashing a dyno tested tune for a fair price check out
Jr. Member

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« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2021, 01:09:58 PM »

If the ecu was previously tuned you wont be able to get a read off of it if the tuner locked it. Really your options at this point are to find another original file to try and write back or use some other higher level flashing tools and or bootmode flash it with another file. If you have teamviewer I may be able to help get you back up and going 

In all honesty I don't know if it is for sure, it's a completely stock car previously owned by an old man haha, never mentioned it being previously flashed and I don't think it will have been. Would the cable I purchased here be able to bootmode flash or is the special Galetto/MPPS cable mandatory for bootmode flashing? If I'm able to pull the ECU and bootmode to read the EEPROM, could there be any signs in there that the main memory has been flashed? Or do you think with bootmode i'd be able to just read the flash straight away, unless someone has previously flashed it with some weird code to stop this happening? Or would bootmode override that code?
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