
Technical => Tuning => Topic started by: tnel20 on February 03, 2017, 12:56:55 PM

Title: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 03, 2017, 12:56:55 PM
Im trying to get my throttle plate to open to 100 % earlier . ive set every field in KFWDKSMX to 100% and still cant open it earlier then 3750rpm . Any input here? im only trying to get it to open 100% around 2500rpm but cant get it to work.


Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: nyet on February 03, 2017, 12:59:14 PM

It is rude. Your post is no more important than anybody else's

I have edited the topic of your post accordingly.

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: nyet on February 03, 2017, 01:01:26 PM
Not sure I recall which other maps control this, but you won't gain anything at that RPM by opening the throttle plate earlier.

Edit: actually that looks super low.

What is req load?

Please post logs.

that said, you should never have to change KFWDKSMX... it may prevent the throttle from opening to 100%, but not enough to restrict things (and not what you are seeing in your log).

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 03, 2017, 01:25:48 PM
sorry about the caps , work computer and everything we do is in caps .
when i get home ill post up the log. thought it might be something simple.

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: elRey on February 03, 2017, 01:36:46 PM
dknotbegr ?

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 03, 2017, 01:44:59 PM
also to clarify this is a 2.7t with k24's

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 03, 2017, 01:46:01 PM
dont see that map in my xdf , anyways ill post a long in a few hrs when im off work

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: nyet on February 03, 2017, 02:57:17 PM
work computer and everything we do is in caps .

You really should encourage your company to join the 21st century.

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 03, 2017, 04:25:34 PM
using reynolds and reynolds lol , all commands are in caps . program doesn't even have word wrap or insert.
welp my damn laptop is dead and my charger is at work but here is an older log with the same issue

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 03, 2017, 04:27:58 PM
here is another

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: nyet on February 03, 2017, 06:08:12 PM
Your IMAX is very wrong, you're getting throttle cut, and you aren't requesting enough load early enough.

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 03, 2017, 07:49:39 PM
like i said these are older logs . the first pic has no throttle cut that has been resolved. requesting more load early  got it

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 06, 2017, 06:21:41 PM
ok got the laptop charger and revised the tune. when you state i need to request more load im assuming you mean in ldrxn ? because thats what i did

another ? while i'm here . when its pretty cold out (like 40-50 deg - i know this is cold for az people ) i lean out a bit when the boost spikes . i saw the map for kftarx
is that map like fkkvs for iat ? as in are the fields treated like fkkvs when it comes to changing them for temp at a rpm range or is it a krkte modification like frlfsdp.

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: KasperH on February 06, 2017, 07:06:12 PM
KFTARX((B(ZK) is a multiplier for for load based on intake temp. It should be nmot and tans on the axis.

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: nyet on February 06, 2017, 08:37:56 PM
]i saw the map for kftarx
is that map like fkkvs for iat ? as in are the fields treated like fkkvs when it comes to changing them for temp at a rpm range or is it a krkte modification like frlfsdp.

I can't make head or tail of this question.

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 06, 2017, 08:41:59 PM
it was a dumb ? thought i was in the fueling tab and not the boost tab of the xdf . forgive my retarded question :)

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: nyet on February 06, 2017, 11:04:49 PM
It isn't a dumb question. I just can't figure out what the question is... if it was dumb I would have answered :P

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 07, 2017, 06:10:47 AM
lol , i was looking for a map to add fuel when its cold in the morning and the car isnt fully warm (coolant gauge at the middle but ic's still cold )because on boost onset and spike i lean out a little and its only on the first pull of the day . i read the description really fast and didnt realize i was in the boot tab and not fueling.

Anyways i upped the load (ldrxn) like you said and it worked perfect. throttle is now opening to 100% earlier

not sure if you can see my wideband fueling but when i do a pull my fueling drops into the 9:1 afr range till i really start getting into boost . i was taking out fuel via fkkvs , should i use a different map to combat that?

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 07, 2017, 06:11:48 AM
here is the log

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: KasperH on February 07, 2017, 08:59:36 AM
lol , i was looking for a map to add fuel when its cold in the morning and the car isnt fully warm (coolant gauge at the middle but ic's still cold )because on boost onset and spike i lean out a little and its only on the first pull of the day . i read the description really fast and didnt realize i was in the boot tab and not fueling.

Anyways i upped the load (ldrxn) like you said and it worked perfect. throttle is now opening to 100% earlier

not sure if you can see my wideband fueling but when i do a pull my fueling drops into the 9:1 afr range till i really start getting into boost . i was taking out fuel via fkkvs , should i use a different map to combat that?

I wouldn't use fkkvs for that, the problem is somewhere else in the fuelling maps.

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: nyet on February 07, 2017, 12:56:55 PM
looking for a map to add fuel when its cold in the morning and the car isnt fully warm

If your car runs poorly while it is warming up (engine temps less than 85C-90C), you will want to tweak the warm up enrichment tables according to your STFTs:[15]


Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 07, 2017, 01:35:53 PM
yeah i saw that but my fuel trims are in the 4% and under right now. My issue is when im doing a pull and im at peak boost at ramp up it leans out.  ill go through my fueling again and see if i can see something weird

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: nyet on February 07, 2017, 01:38:16 PM
yeah i saw that but my fuel trims are in the 4% and under right now. My issue is when im doing a pull and im at peak boost at ramp up it leans out.  ill go through my fueling again and see if i can see something weird

What leans out? Request or actual?

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 07, 2017, 05:02:34 PM
actual - per wideband . i dont have a log of it because once i see it climbing past 12.5 i let off dont want to get to lean . i was probably overboosting slightly and that might be causing it . bringing load on earlier help with the the bit of boost spike i was seeing before so maybe it wont do that anymore . ill try tomorrow morning

these are from the drive home today . i adjusted the early rich condition with fkkvs . i know you said not to but i haven't found my issue yet . i went through fueling and compared to stock.
not alot was adjusted other then lamfa and im asking for slightly richer then stock at the early rpm so i adjusted that back to stock . other then that i haven't added fuel anywhere to the lower rpm ranges.
I did set up frlfsdp (running returnless with a stock b6 s4 fueling system) and that might be causing the super rich condition. also yes i know i need to take care of the 2 rich spots and lean out over all :)


Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 07, 2017, 05:08:27 PM
here is the other log

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 08, 2017, 07:08:36 AM
here are this mornings pulls -
-short one was shortly after coolant temp hit middle on gauge ( no boost spike and hit 13.5) 5:40am
-second one there was a little higher boost spike 1-2 psi higher then norm and that was a just over 13 afr 5:49am
-3rd was shortly after the 2nd one and that one had no issues with leaning out 5:54am

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 08, 2017, 07:20:06 AM
other 2 logs

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 08, 2017, 07:30:31 AM
only lets me post one at a time or it times out

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: nyet on February 08, 2017, 12:19:33 PM
Looks like you are hitting a load cap.

May need to pull req boost or underscale your MAF a bit.

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: vwaudiguy on February 08, 2017, 01:18:26 PM
Im trying to get my throttle plate to open to 100 % earlier .

Has this issue been resolved?

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 08, 2017, 01:45:55 PM
Yes , I didn't have enough requested load early enough
Upped the requested load through ldrxn and all good. We're on to bigger and better things now. Keeping it from leaning out when it's too cold :)

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: vwaudiguy on February 08, 2017, 01:53:23 PM
Got it. Maybe change the title of the thread?

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 08, 2017, 02:33:38 PM
It still has the answer to my ? In it . I see no need to change. I guess I could start a new thread.  If a mod whanot to move the second half of this somewhere they can.

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 08, 2017, 02:39:40 PM
Also thanks nyet your the best  ;D

So I was planing on going e54 next week and get that dialed in now that I'm getting close on 91. I'm currently running a 4" maf right now and was hoping to up the boost into the 32 psi range. I would rather not go to a bigger maf. What would you suggest? Get into a hpx and start over or can I underscale this 4"?

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: nyet on February 08, 2017, 03:23:50 PM
Also thanks nyet your the best  ;D

So I was planing on going e54 next week and get that dialed in now that I'm getting close on 91. I'm currently running a 4" maf right now and was hoping to up the boost into the 32 psi range. I would rather not go to a bigger maf. What would you suggest? Get into a hpx and start over or can I underscale this 4"?

You dno't need another MAF - you aren't anywhere near maxing this one, and you don't need it to underscale.

You can also underscale in MLHFM in the top load cells and compensate in KFLF as described in the wiki... that way you can underscale just a touch at the top of the load range.

Title: Re: Throttle position to 100% earlier.
Post by: tnel20 on February 08, 2017, 04:09:16 PM
OK I got what your saying. I'll look at it tonight when I'm off work