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Author Topic: Need damos for ME7.5.5 0261207754 1037363476 8E0909557E (Audi A4 B6 2.0 ALT)  (Read 3775 times)

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Hello guys,

I try to create Pops & Bangs for my Audi A4 B6 2.0 ALT (automatic gearbox) with A/C on but I'm not able to find the right DNWEK value. I found one with the stock value 80 rpm and changed it to 8000 rpm but  it's not working. CWSAWE, KFTVSA and KFNWEGM would be also nice. Maybe someone can help me out?

Thank you very much!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2022, 04:43:39 AM by EcuMan » Logged

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Hi, I did it on my car, but through other cards, if interested, I can share my experience.
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Karma: +125/-33
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Hi, I did it on my car, but through other cards, if interested, I can share my experience.

You'd have been quicker 'sharing your experience' than typing that.

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Here are all the addresses that need to be changed
CWSAWE - $ 11969 (возможно, должны быть протестированы nulls рядом с этим адресом)
KFZWMN - $ 125F1
KFTVSA - $ 198A7
CWSAWE you need to change the value of 0 to 1
KFZWMN minimum ignition after 3000ob/min the last two lines at low loads are -19.5 and the third from above is -9.75 for a smooth transition
KFTVSA delay time 1.5sec after 3000ob/min
on the second KFTVSAKAT card as well, only here in ms
Here is my firmware, the machines are the same, there are already all the changes, but I'm not sure about CWSAWE

But it seems to have too big angles
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