Hi Adrian,
big thanks for your assitance and nice File.
Hi all,
Sorry to drag up an old thread but I am in a similar position.
I have an R53 with an EMS2000. I have just bought a cheap MS5150 (without EWS, or key). Can you tell me if this tool is the right choice for making full reads and writes:
https://www.obd2shop.co.uk/wholesale/latest-version-v54-fgtech-galletto-2-master-bdm-tricore-obd-function.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwkOqZBhDNARIsAACsbfKlS8S0BUzIa7Oc4UJInKdVEip5EGwosSLFAxxAaIBAu7Nq1QwjCCEaAmwJEALw_wcBIs there a better choice?
I believe I have found good instructions which will let me place the MS5150 in boot mode, and by setting various lines in the read to 0xff I can disable/remove the EWS which should let the car start? From here I would like to load up a stock JCW 210 map.
Right now my preface lift mini (without tune) has:
17% supercharger pulley
Newman cam
Dave F airbox modification
eBay intercooler (which on track, in the middle of summer, much to my amazement seemed to work well!)
380cc injectors
My issue is that the car seems to run pretty rich, now that colder weather is on us I suspect it will be even richer. I have just ordered an AEM wideband to confirm, my suspicion is that any areas where the car is operating in open loop, probably start up and full throttle will be pretty rich?