This is correct layout:
Map Name: Zündwinkelkennfeld
Start Address: 160DE
Cols/Rows: 12x16
Values: 8 Bit Signed
Factor: 0.75
Offset: 0
Unit: grad KW
X Axis:
Start Address:1434D
Values: 8Bit Unsigned
Factor: 0.75
Offset: 0
Unit: %
Y Axis:
Start Address:1430F
Values: 8Bit Unsigned
Factor: 40.0
Offset: 0
Unit: nmot
Thank you very much Mark! If it's not too much to ask, can you explain how you found these values? Or, if you have another defined ECU that was identical/close to this one that assisted in these locations, could you please let me know which one that was? I'm sure that I'm going to need to define more and this file matches up with nothing that I have DAMOS for.