Then the discription of the S4wiki is misunterstanding !?
That isn't to say it's not possible to get a (very) rough approximation of the boost you'll see based on your chosen LDRXN.
requested boost=10*(LDRXN)+300mbar
Where requested boost is in absolute pressure, and absolute pressure is the pressure of the air charge including barometric pressure.
Where 2250 is the absolute pressure in millibars. 
Based on this calculation, the 032E should have less boost then 018Q. This is the reason, why I struggle and ask the question

But this estimation seems to be too rough for 032E, 019Q it fits quite well.
So, I need to convert LDRXN better on this way to get the right boost:
plsol = (rlsol + rfagr) / fupsrl / fpbrkds / vpsspls
.. I think I got now the right direction