I saw a $200 J2534 MyGenius tool recently and I got inspired. It claims it can read + write from the latest and greatest Mercedes ECUs (Bosch MED17.7.5)
http://www.dimsport.it/en/my-genius/Pretty much everything else online I see contradicts that. From $5k master/slave setups, buying an hour of time for access through Mercedes, etc.
Where does it fall apart in terms of simplicity:
1. Connect PINs to CAN high/low in OBD-II port
2. Send/receive CAN messages following UDS
I've read about Seed/Key algorithms and I get how without the dump of the ECU firmware it'd be near impossible to brute force these days. What other modern protection methods are at play? I've heard about 1024-bit keys for BMW. TPROT, etc. When are all of those encountered through the process?
Is it just... start a UDS diagnostic session, request a seed, send back a key, and you can read/write to whatever region of memory you want? No, right? So, is it different for every manufacturer?