If your calculated maf does not match your actual maf, you need to adjust maps in the BGMSZS and BGMSRM modules.
BGSRM has nothing to do with it.
100% useless spam answer like always.
Hi all ,i changed the turbo and maf ,scalled maf ,car run perfect but the msdk_w is lower than mshfm_w , i read the fr and i understand i need to adjust KFMSNWDK to have bigger msdk_w and in case of bad maf car will run ok ! Am i right ? And if someone can make me understand what WDKUGDN Do ! Thank you !
You understand wrong. KFMSNWDK and inverse KFWDKMSN are physical maps that define the throttle flow at pr = 1.
There is absolutely nothing to "adjust" here, you use the correct values for the throttle. If you use the original throttle, don't touch it. If you use a different throttle copy the values over from the stock ECU for that throttle.
If your VE is different then what you have to adjust is WDKUGDN only. This defines the point where the throttle does not limit flow anymore.