If it is injecting an additional 8% it means the maf readings are too low, so yes, scale MLHFM by 8%.
If it is bosch, subtract MLOFS, scale, then add it back.
BTW open air elements cause MAF readings to be very non-linear. I'd avoid it.
thanks for the reply.
Yes, it is measuring a few grams less than it should.
with OEM maf shell about 245-250 and now about 225-230gr.
(more or less that 7-8% that marks more in partial loads).
Can you explain something more about MLHFM. I see in the day that I have 3 maps referring to that nomenglatura.
I didn't hear him name anyone in the posts that people were talking about: KFKHFM to rescale.
and if it is bosch, measure 9.1 as it says in the post. I also can't find maps on:
And I know there are people who don't like open admissions systems. But in this case there is a gain of almost 15hp open intake system vs OEM intake system with pipercross filter .... It is quite noticeable and necessary.
he oem intake box of the tfsi is very very bad.
From what I was able to investigate in the FR, MLHFM does not exist in med 9.1 friend.....
that map is only me 7.XX. I need directions from someone who has rescaled to med 9.1 please.