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Author Topic: NEWB HERE, REALLY NEED SOME HELP  (Read 4148 times)

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« on: October 31, 2020, 10:54:00 AM »

Well, as stated i am a newb as far as ecu tuning and knowing anything as far as tolerable parameters or anything else on that side of the car world. This is my first car i have sunken money into anything performance wise and it has been hell these last 2 years. The euro support here in Cincinnati only really cares if its an exotic or brand new. So that being said my mk4 1.8t is neither lol. So I’ve had to learn step by step which has been expensive. After being dicked along for over 2 month waiting on a local euro shop to dyno tune my car they just started ignoring me. So i tried looking elsewhere. That ended up with disappointing results. 

And now we are here, i bought the EuroDyne Maestro Suite(which seems like it fits in Cincinnati with no help at all).

I don’t know what i need to pull info wise from the car or anything but i really would like to learn how to do some of the basic tuning and know what I’m looking at to know if I’m in a safe zone or not.

Please help me.
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« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2020, 11:23:36 AM »

read the FAQ to understand the site.

If you already have eurodyne then check out this video.
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« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2020, 12:46:22 PM »

Please don't shout.

There are ample stickies to read before posting. Please read *all* of them, including the tuning page linked in my sig.

Again, don't shout.

And try to make your subject lines useful. I'm assuming this isn't your first forum.

ME7.1 tuning guide
ECUx Plot
ME7Sum checksum
Trim heatmap tool

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« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2020, 09:38:05 PM »

Well, as stated i am a newb as far as ecu tuning and knowing anything as far as tolerable parameters or anything else on that side of the car world. This is my first car i have sunken money into anything performance wise and it has been hell these last 2 years. The euro support here in Cincinnati only really cares if its an exotic or brand new. So that being said my mk4 1.8t is neither lol. So I’ve had to learn step by step which has been expensive. After being dicked along for over 2 month waiting on a local euro shop to dyno tune my car they just started ignoring me. So i tried looking elsewhere. That ended up with disappointing results. 

And now we are here, i bought the EuroDyne Maestro Suite(which seems like it fits in Cincinnati with no help at all).

I don’t know what i need to pull info wise from the car or anything but i really would like to learn how to do some of the basic tuning and know what I’m looking at to know if I’m in a safe zone or not.

Please help me.
so how far have you gotten? you expecting step by step instructions on how to plug the cable into the car and your computer and hit read? whats the hardware setup? not too many active members use that software and personally im not a fan of it. If you can find the time to actually provide useful info you may get some help. good luck   

Giving your mom a tuneup

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« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2020, 12:00:07 AM »

so how far have you gotten? you expecting step by step instructions on how to plug the cable into the car and your computer and hit read? whats the hardware setup? not too many active members use that software and personally im not a fan of it. If you can find the time to actually provide useful info you may get some help. good luck   

ive gotten as far as trying 3 different base files. i dont care to put the work in to learn this, i dont want my hand held thru everything. i would like someone to help teach me atleast the basics of what to be looking for so i hopefully dont blow this engine up due to me not knowing parameter tolerance, etc. what sucks is im more of a visual/hands on learner. and as far as this software i really wish i didnt end up buying it. but my car was sitting for months and i was getting the run around from places around me. i was led to believe that this has the option to customize your tune but that it has many base files that will surely be a good "ots" tune that i could run with no issues. man was that farthest from the truth.

as far as vehicle and hardware its nothing crazy.
2003 jetta 1.8t awp 5spd
ev14 550cc injectors
aem 340 LPH fuel pump
K04 hybrid swap

i believe that is it.
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« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2020, 05:46:33 AM »

What are you using for boost control, what size maf, what base fuel pressure? Again any logs?

Giving your mom a tuneup

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« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2020, 11:31:47 AM »

What are you using for boost control, what size maf, what base fuel pressure? Again any logs?

I still have the oe n75 installed. I do have a MAC 3 port electronic solenoid i just don’t have a controller for that, I’m not sure if the ecu will control that? And i have a manual boost controller that the last guy i paid to remotely tune me told me i needed to get. I’d rather not have a mbc tho.

OE maf/maf housing but i do have a 225 housing i can install.

Stock FPR. I have not had a fuel pressure tester to check but i ordered one yesterday and it just showed up. So i will check what my actual pressure is and get back to you on that. Would it be best to check pressure at the tank or at the rail?

My bad I didn’t realize you had asked for logs. I have quite a few uploaded onto

Or do you want the .csv files that maestro creates initially? Which is no problem. I’m on my iPad now but here in a couple minutes ill be home and jump on my laptop and post a couple recent ones up.
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« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2020, 12:18:51 PM »

I still have the oe n75 installed. I do have a MAC 3 port electronic solenoid i just don’t have a controller for that, I’m not sure if the ecu will control that? And i have a manual boost controller that the last guy i paid to remotely tune me told me i needed to get. I’d rather not have a mbc tho.

OE maf/maf housing but i do have a 225 housing i can install.

Stock FPR. I have not had a fuel pressure tester to check but i ordered one yesterday and it just showed up. So i will check what my actual pressure is and get back to you on that. Would it be best to check pressure at the tank or at the rail?

My bad I didn’t realize you had asked for logs. I have quite a few uploaded onto

Or do you want the .csv files that maestro creates initially? Which is no problem. I’m on my iPad now but here in a couple minutes ill be home and jump on my laptop and post a couple recent ones up.

is this file open loop boost control and you have the n75 hooked up right now? boost duty cycle is at 16% (basically wg spring pressure) so load request is really low or boost pid tables needs lots of work depending on if its open loop boost control or not. timing advance at full throttle is at 8* advancement. personally id target in the 15* knowing you could add a few more once you get it dialed in too. lambda is too rich should be targeting 12.2:1-12.5:1 afr. look at load limitations (ldrxn) not sure what it would be called in that? timing and fueling need work. boost control tables need work

Giving your mom a tuneup

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« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2020, 01:55:51 PM »

is this file open loop boost control and you have the n75 hooked up right now? boost duty cycle is at 16% (basically wg spring pressure) so load request is really low or boost pid tables needs lots of work depending on if its open loop boost control or not. timing advance at full throttle is at 8* advancement. personally id target in the 15* knowing you could add a few more once you get it dialed in too. lambda is too rich should be targeting 12.2:1-12.5:1 afr. look at load limitations (ldrxn) not sure what it would be called in that? timing and fueling need work. boost control tables need work

see im not too sure on the details, i guess these base files that come with the maestro are files that Chris Tapp(EuroDyne) has built for his personal clients. but he really doesnt put in full detail what these files are built for. like the one that is currently loaded said "STAGE3awp_FT21_EV550_stockMAF" that is all the info given. i can go grab my obd dongle and plug it up and send screen shots of different tables or anything you want to see. i really appreciate you talking with me tho. and yes the n75 is hooked up now.
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« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2020, 01:59:21 PM »

You have three choices

1) find a real tuner
2) spend the time to learn how to tune your self, throw out maestro, start from stock and work from there based on the s4wiki and the community tune threads
3) go back to stock.

ME7.1 tuning guide
ECUx Plot
ME7Sum checksum
Trim heatmap tool

Please do not ask me for tunes. I'm here to help people make their own.

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