I understand I have to deal with MSLUB and MSLBAS as well as setting the SAI to not installed via ESKONF and CWKONABG.
Or will the ECU with changed ESKONF and CWKONABG not care what values are in MSLUB and MSLBAS?? In this case it wont matter if MSLUB and MSLBAS are stock or 0, right?
The method what I told you is what i've been using for SAI deletes and it doesn't give error messages. Too be honest i'm not too sure about VCDS readings, but it should read 'passed'.
So yes in theory it does not care about the values in MSLUB and MSLBAS. Try it out and see for yourself.
I chose to leave the relay in its place, but you can delete this aswell. I don't see the point in doing so. If you do edit ESKONF accordingly.