Thanks I really appreciate the advice :-)
Since posting I have ...
1. Been looking at Nefmoto, TunerPro, WinOLS and other software - it's all really great stuff :-)
2. I have successfully read the ECU bin file and posted it in another thread and had some good feedback and direction from Dan (littco) so that's a good start ... Do you have any comments on this bin file ?
3. Been doing background research on the ECU definitions compatible with my ECU (8N0906018BP 0002) and trying to understand some of the 'functions' and maps a little more.
4. Researching whether my 440 Bosch Green top injectors are actually suitable (I believe the spray pattern is wrong and that spacers would be needed) or whether I really need the Audi specific ones.
From there I think your advice really comes into its own as I would like to ...
1. As you say, do more logging to understand what is going on. And post on here then :-)
2. Compare my tune with an OEM one to try and understand any changes now I know more about the definition and maps.
3. Maybe also flash an OEM tune and log again. This is my biggest nervousness so I am looking at how to 'unbrick' an ECU should this happen with 'boot mode' etc.
4. Come up with a strategy of whether to replace the injectors (as you have suggested) or try and make some tuning adjustments, maybe to an OEM tune, in small increments. I would do this within the boundaries of what the OEM injectors can cope with. Modest improvements rather than massive gains are what I'm after and this is a learning exercise for me not a 'mad power' exercise.