And to get started now the cost barrier has been reduced even further...
Infineon has produced a super cheap TC334 (Aurix) based 'learning' board.
If your in EU you can buy one for just 50 Euro's, no excuse not to get one now, its basically an Arduino on speed information "KIT_A2G_TC334_LITE"
AURIX™ TC334 lite kit is equipped with a 32-Bit Single-Chip AURIX™ TriCore™ based-Microcontroller AURIX™ TC334.
on-board miniWiggler Micro-AB USB interface
external powering 5 V…40 V (recommended 7 V...14 V)
Most AURIX™ pins available on expansion connectors (X1, X2)
Two Infineon Shield2Go connectors
Arduino compatible connectors for 3.3 V
mikroBUS™ connector
Micro-USB connector
DAP Debug connector
CAN connector
RJ45 connector
CAN transceiver TLE9251VSJ from Infineon
1 user push-button, 3 user LEDs
Reset push-button
Potentiometer (10 kOhm) for variable analog input