Many are probably familiar with the J2534 based VehiCAL Logger for newer ECU's as a paid tool.
Today I release a full free protocol for ME7.
You can download the tool here: whole installation and usage part is described in the documentation: you register and get an API key, just select the "VAG ME7 C167 K-Line (Free) - Advanced" protocol.
Please do not fill garbage data during registration. I will never ever send you any unsolicited e-mail or share your details with third parties unless ordered by a court (the GDPR in EU is extremely strict about this).
But this is a commercial tool interacting with my servers, and I am required to have knowledge about the users. Any garbage accounts will be deleted without warning.
Here are a few benefits of my solution:
* Better ease of use, no need to generate or edit any files. All the heavy lifting is done by the server.
* Full UI for measurement adding/removing/displaying and you can add or remove measurements in real time while connected to the ECU.
* Configurable format of log headers.
* Optional translation of German variable names to English.
* Automatic init type and baud rate detection, or you can select it in the connection dialog
* Runs using J2534 hardware. No messing around with COM ports.
* Automatic 5120 file detection and variable re-scaling
* File patching built-in, that allows connecting with double slowinit even when engine is running.
* Variable side loading support through the "Add custom..." button in the measurement selection screen, instructions here:* GitHub with explanation of the logging method, and the ECU code: are also a few downsides:
* Requires a J2534 interface, which is much more expensive than KKL cable. However, it is a very good investment, and likely many already have one.
* Requires registration and signup in the billing system
* Requires an internet connection during the initial connection, but after that you can start and stop logging as many times as you like and no internet is needed.
Finally, keep in mind that this stuff is completely free, and currently in beta.
I am happy if you find some bugs or details and post about them, but please do not expect any timely support for this protocol.