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Author Topic: 1.8t "error in the calculation of the checksum"  (Read 2499 times)

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« on: February 12, 2023, 04:23:08 AM »

Witam Mam problem z wsadem ściągnąłem go od brata z audi a3 aum zrobiony na 211km i chciałem go przerobcić w programie ecm titanium i wgrać do swojego leona auq. Po próbie otworzenia go w ecm titanium wyskakuje "error in the calculation of the checksum".
Dodam, że brat na tym sofcie ma taki problem, że przy pierwszym odpaleniu auta z rana nie działa turbo. Po zgaszeniu i odpaleniu ponownie wszystko jest ok tylko vcds pokazuje błąd dv(na ori sofcie tego nie było). Mam wgrany ten soft w leonie i jest tak samo jak u brata lecz melduje mi się jako aum a chciałbym jako auq. Pomoże ktoś zobaczyć co w tym sofcie jest nie tak. Brat daleko mieszka i nie ma kiedy jechać do tunera z reklamacją a jemu i tak to nie przeszkadzało i trochę czasu już minęło od chiptuningu 2019r. W załączniku plik bin

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« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2023, 04:25:59 AM »

Hello. I have a problem with the batch, I downloaded it from my brother with an audi a3 aum made for 211 km and I wanted to convert it in the ecm titanium program and upload it to my leon auq. When I try to open it in ecm titanium, "error in the calculation of the checksum" pops up.
I would like to add that the brother on this sofa has such a problem that the turbo does not work when the car is started for the first time in the morning. After turning off and starting again, everything is ok, only vcds shows a dv error (it was not on ori software). I have this soft uploaded in leon and it's the same as my brother's but it reports to me as aum and I would like it as auq. Can someone help me see what's wrong with this. Brother lives far away and has no time to go to the tuner with a complaint and he didn't mind anyway and some time has passed since 2019 chiptuning. Bin file attached
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« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2023, 10:33:34 AM »

It will always show up as AUM if it is an AUM file

If you want a different P/N, change it.

You can try to use the nef flasher instead.

The file you uploaded seems to have correct checksums, but if it is heavily modified (or has garbage like NLS on it), it is possible the tuner botched it.

Recommend starting from stock. This forum is not here to help you fix other tunes, it is to make your own from scratch.

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« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2023, 11:25:52 AM »

It will always show up as AUM if it is an AUM file

If you want a different P/N, change it.

You can try to use the nef flasher instead.

The file you uploaded seems to have correct checksums, but if it is heavily modified (or has garbage like NLS on it), it is possible the tuner botched it.

Recommend starting from stock. This forum is not here to help you fix other tunes, it is to make your own from scratch.

KFZWMNS... What a joke +10-12* degrees WTF?
KFZW has Half the table +6-8 over stock LMAO advanced so much almost ethanol ignition timing values.
KFZW2 same shit
KFMIRL I've seen worse
KFPED has pointless changes
KFMIOP Axis values changed but still stock values in table
KFZWMN Totally fucked 
KFLBTS Used for primary fueling by the looks of it
*********and Im done wasting my time..... File is total shit, made by someone who does not understand motronics at all, timing values are way too advanced for standard pump gas, minimum timing tables and halved with the same values of kfzw so it cant pull any ignition timing on the top side. I would not flash this file to anything that you care about as it will for sure blow it up. 


Giving your mom a tuneup

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« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2023, 11:34:56 AM »

I just wanted in ecm titanium to add all changed values ​​from this aum to auq. A screenshot is attached

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« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2023, 11:40:14 AM »

Already over 100,000 done on this program and everything is ok
« Last Edit: February 12, 2023, 01:15:31 PM by mimik44 » Logged
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« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2023, 06:12:10 PM »

dyno is worthless, post a log.

anyway the _UM all FF is definitely a sign of a moron

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« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2023, 09:17:01 PM »

Already over 100,000 done on this program and everything is ok
Everything is far from ok, the file is complete trash and made by someone who has no clue on how to properly calibrate, and whom would be better suited employed changing used engine oil. Furthermore, you are trying to copy someone their shit ass work and put on someone else's car. Also, you are using a clone version of ecm titanium and expect to do what with that exactly?...

Giving your mom a tuneup
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« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2023, 10:47:11 PM »

Not only that, but why does it matter if its aum or not? Dumb.

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mk4 1.8T AUM

« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2023, 01:03:43 AM »

KFZWMNS... What a joke +10-12* degrees WTF?
Ive seen many bs files even from local 'professional companies' and also asking myself wtf theyre doing
until YT once recommend me a video from a guy teached how to tune motronics - "here is the ignition tables, we raise them (raises zwmn, zwop, _um.. each one with the name like '%zundwinkel%'), and now we take a look at the limiters (raises ldrxnzk and flatting with ones kftarx* and kftrmx (or something where is high tmot safety limit) aaand is good your stage bleh is now done

*runs away with 9ms injection, 2550 psvdk with -3deg ign

sometimes i fix these tunes and the user is whoah its much smoother now but most of users just eat that shit lol

in case of interest - there is a fam local blogger once made a project with 1.8t k04 and theyre give their car to professional tuner with the dyno and so on to tune em
wanna see $600 file and whole story?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2023, 01:12:39 AM by fknbrkn » Logged

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« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2023, 05:54:23 AM »

I'll do logs when I have time. Which channels? Am I to understand dynamic?
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« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2023, 09:49:58 AM »

Please read the damn stickies before posting.

But in this case, there is no need to. Normally we ask people to post logs so we don't have to dig through their binaries, which may or may not be well defined. It is always easier to just look at a log to see if the tune is any good. In this case, someone was nice enough to look at your binary, and honestly its crap.

At this point a log would be useless.

Your file isn't worth fixing. Start from stock or find another tuner.

If you decide to ignore that advice, nobody here can help you.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2023, 09:52:01 AM by nyet » Logged

ME7.1 tuning guide
ECUx Plot
ME7Sum checksum
Trim heatmap tool

Please do not ask me for tunes. I'm here to help people make their own.

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