search for 17056 decimal (16bit LoHi), next to it you find 01650 (0672 hex),
than the error counter follows and right after you'll find the healing counter.
Max out the error counter, set the healing counter to zero and you should be done.
take 17059 to compare, it's already deactivated.
Hi there, thanks for the detailed and quick reply! I've attached a screenshot of the map file at this location.
I've found 17056 (42A0 hex) and like you said, next to it 0672 (both displayed other way around). So to ensure i'm correct, I'd need to change "0200" in column 6 to "ffff" and then change "ffff" in column 8 to "0000"?
17059 (42A3 hex) is two rows below it at address 00072c70 and like you said, that displays "ffff" and "0000" in columns 6 and 8 respectively.
How do you calculate the checksums in these files? I know how to do it in EEprom ones - is it similar for this? (FFFF - sum of hex data in that row).
Thanks again for the help!