Hi All,
I'm trying to finetune the file in my Abarth 595 with a td04 turbo. What I've done is try to taper the boost so it targets 1.1bar between 3k-4k rpm and then request 1.45bar up to the redline, with the idea that is puts minimal stress on the drive train and gives incredible grip in lower gears - and well it just feels awesome
. I am tuning MDMAXMNOTS (LDRXN on the s4wiki) to achieve the target boost.
It is working great however when going WOT between 3k-4k in 5th gear the boost overshoots the target and the car kangaroos as I think the actuator bounces around to keep it under target (see attached images), I note the throttle plate is not closing. Once you get passed 4k RPM and it requests the full boost then there is no issues and it pulls like a bat out of hell.
I read the threads on here about tuning the throttle plate but I can't find the relevant maps in my DAMOS so feel that is a deadend. There is not much info on this ECU out there, only its brother and sisters so learning from the s4wiki has been quite a challenge but I am hopefully getting there!
Does anyone have any pointers on where I should look to correct this problem? I have attached my tuned file & ori so you can rip into it/me.
Thanks in advance.